
Chapter 37: Fairy Wands

A fairy wand is any wand that has a small fairy feather or hair in its core.


Fairy with Wings Unextended

Fairies (Fae magicalis), as their name implies, are the most magical beings of Faerie. The "fair folk" are very similar to humans except for the following characteristics. They are native to Faerie rather than earth. They are for all practical purposes immortal, suffering neither illnesses nor old age, and only die due to accident or violence. The top of fairy ears are pointed rather than rounded. Fairy women are always very beautiful, whereas fairy men are extremely handsome. Finally, fairies are highly magical beings with innate magical powers many times that of ordinary humans, enabling them to easily cast spells without need of magic wands, talismans, or staffs. Finally, they can instantly grow fully functional wings from their backs and then instantly reabsorb them so that their backs look just like ours.
