
Chapter 31: Match the Wand to its Intended Use

The appropriate spells will naturally vary depending on the task the mage is to perform. If one is working to heal a physical or magical illness or injury, then one will be primarily performing light earth spells of healing or possibly a fire spell to stop bleeding. On the other hand, if one needs to do a lot of flying or levitating, then one will be performing air spells. In the first case, one would probably use a wand with a core, handle, and shaft made with components having the elementals Earth and Fire and the phase Light: for example, a wand with a core containing a sliver of unicorn horn (Earth Light), a handle of rowan (Fire and Earth Light), and a shaft of cherry (Fire Light). In the second case, where one is going to be performing a lot of air spells, then one might chose a wand the primary components of which have Air as their elemental: for example, a wand with a core containing a hippogryph feather (Air Light), and a handle and shaft of hazel (Air Light).
