
Chapter 23: The Personalities of Wands

Like people, different wands have different personalities. These personalities are largely a result of the elementals, phases, and genders of the wand's individual components. Combined with the gender and skill of the mage wielding the wand, these magical characteristics largely determine which types of spells are strengthened and focused the most. Based on the wand maker's choices of materials, the resulting wand can end up with a personality that can vary from the very simple to the highly complex.

Simple Wand Personality

A wand has a simple personality when it has relatively few optional components such as a second magical wood, mystic crystals, and mystic metals. All of the components of a simple wand are also highly similar with regard to elemental, phase, and gender. For an example of a wand with a very simple personality, consider the following wand design:

Core: gryphon feather (Air, Light, Feminine and Masculine)
