
Chapter 14: Twilight - The Phase and its Spells

The phase Twilight lies halfway between Light and Darkness. It is neutral and includes spells that can either be used for good or ill. Twilight spells are those spells that promote the characteristics of the Light and Darkness equally. Regardless of whether they are primarily composed of materials associated with Light or Darkness, magic wands will have no trouble strengthening and focusing twilight spells.

Some of the most common Twilight spells are those intended to:

- Change a subject's physical properties such as shape, size, substance, or weight

- Transfiguration

- Increase strength and endurance

- Reveal hidden or invisible people or objects

The following are a few of the most useful magic spells that are especially strengthened or focused by wand components having the phase Light, Twilight, or Darkness:

Alligabunt in catenas (bind in chains) causes the subject of the spell to be bound in chains.

Alligabunt in funiculis (bind with rope) causes the subject of the spell to be bound with ropes.

Apparere (appear) causes the desired object to appear in the desired location.

Conduplico (double in number) causes the subject of the spell to be duplicated so that there are two identical versions of the subject.

Conjugo (merge) causes to two objects that are the subjects of the spell to merge to create a single combined object exhibiting the features of both.

Crescere celeritate (increase speed) greatly increases the speed of the subject of the spell for roughly an hour.

Crescere facultatem pugnare (increase fighting ability) greatly increases the subject's fighting ability for roughly an hour.

Crescere fortitudo (increase strength) greatly increases the strength of the subject of the spell for roughly an hour.

Detrahere arma persona (disarm subject) disarms the subject of the spell of any weapons by causing them to fall from the subject.

Deveniendum est ad humana (revert to human)transfigures the subject of the spell back into a human.

Fac invisibilis (make invisible) makes the subject of the spell invisible for roughly an hour.

Fac invulnerabilis (make invulnerable) makes the subject invulnerable to blows (e.g., from fists, clubs, bullets, arrows, and bladed weapons).

Factus giganteas (become gigantic) causes the subject of the spell to grow many times its ordinary size.

Factus maior (become larger) causes the subject of the spell to increase to the desired size.

Factus minor (become smaller) causes the subject of the spell to decrease to the desired size.

Invenire amisit [person or object] (find) causes the wand to point to the location of the named lost person or object.

Iter facio (travel) sends a person to the location intended by the mage.

Mitto (send) sends the medium size and weight subject of the spell a moderate distance to the location intended by the mage.

Motus (move) moves the small lightweight subject of the spell a short distance to the location intended by the mage.

Mutare aspectum (change appearance) changes the appearance of the subject of the spell as desired.

Mutare figuram (change shape) changes the shape of the inanimate subject of the spell to the desired form.

Mutare mole (change size) changes the size of the subject of the spell by the desired amount.

Mutare pondus (change weight) changes the subject's weight (e.g., so that the mage can carry very heavy loads).

Mutare substantiae in aliam [substance] (change substance) changes one solid substance into another.

Recludam ostium (unlock door) unlocks most doors unless they are protected by a counter spell.

Revelare abscondita (reveal) reveals any nearby person or object that has been physically hidden or made invisible by magic.

Reverberant incantatores (reflect spell) reflects a spell back onto the mage who has cast it.

Transfigurant in animali (transfigure into an animal)transfigures the subject into the intended type of animal.

Transmutet [object] (transfigure) transfigures the subject into the named type of object or creature.

Transporto (transport)transports the large and heavy subject of the spell a long distance to the location intended by the mage.

Vanesco (disappear) causes the subject of the spell to temporarily cease to exist.

Visibilem reddere (make visible) makes the invisible subject of the spell visible.
