
Chapter 11: Water - The Elemental and its Spells

Water is one of the four primary elementals of classical philosophy and alchemy. The elemental Water is dominant in and thus strongly associated with:

- Liquids, including fresh and salt water, as well as beverages such as beers, wines, and teas

- Bodies of water such as the oceans and lakes, rivers and streams, and wells and aqueducts

- Things that are wet

- Things that are blue-green, blue, and violet

- Aquatic mystical creatures (e.g., mermaids and kraken)

- Aquatic animals such as fish, mammals (e.g., whales, dolphins, and seals), and crustaceans (e.g., crabs and lobsters), and molluscs (e.g., clams, oysters, and scallops)

- Aquatic plants (e.g., kelp and sea weed)

The Alchemical Symbol for the Elemental Water

Water wands are made from materials associated with the elemental Water, especially magical creatures and woods. They are particularly good at strengthening and focusing Water spells. Some of the most common Water spells include spells intended to:

- Create, control, absorb, and destroy water and other liquids

- Create or find springs of fresh water, even in deserts

- Create tsunamis and large waves

- Create, control, and stop water-related weather events such as rain, hail, snow, and mist

- Enable one to breathe underwater and prevent drownings

- Enable one to swim incredibly fast

- Clean one's body without washing

- Clean clothing, objects, and a room of dust and dirt

- Cleanse the mind of negative emotions such as doubt, worry, and fear

- Communicate with and control the behavior of fish and other aquatic creatures

- Transfigure fish and other aquatic creatures into other things

- Change one liquid into another (e.g., water into wine or beer)

- Make things impervious to water

The following incantations with their translations and desired results are a few of the most useful magic spells that are especially strengthened or focused by wand components having the elemental Water:

Communicare cum aquatilia (communicate with aquatic creatures) enables the subject of the spell to communicate with sea creatures.

Creare aqua (create water) causes water to flow from the end of the wand at the desired rate.

Creare aqua dulci vernum (create spring) creates a spring where the wand is pointing so that water comes up from the ground.

Creare grandinis (create hail) causes it to hail in proportion to the strength of the spell.

Creare ingens unda maris (create tsunami) creates a tidal wave (requires an extremely large amount of Quintessence).

Creare iris (create rainbow) create rainbow.

Creare magna fluctus (create large waves) creates large waves to form on a lake or in the ocean.

Creare nix (create snow) causes it to snow in proportion to the strength of the spell.

Creare pluvia (create rain) causes it to rain in proportion to the strength of the spell.

Crescere branchias et pinnulas (grow gills and fins) causes the subject to grow gills and fins and therefore temporarily live underwater.

Crescere piscis cauda (grow fish tail) causes the subject to grow the tail of a fish and thereby be able to swim faster.

Facere impervium aqua (make impervious to water) makes the subject of the spell impervious to water.

Invenire ver (find spring) points the wand at the nearest natural spring where water is coming up from the ground.

Maecenas arcu natare (enhance swimmer) enables the subject of the spell to swim unnaturally fast.

Mundate cella (clean room) cleans the room, washing away all dirt and dust.

Mundate corpus (wash body) washes the body of the subject of the spell.

Mundate mens (cleanse mind) clears the mind of the subject of the spell of all negative emotions.

Munda obiectum (wash object) washes the object that is the subject of the spell.

Mundate vestimenta (wash clothes) washes and dries the clothes that are the subject of the spell.

Præcipe aqua (command the water) makes the water move as intended by the mage casting the spell, regardless of whether it is in a glass, pool, lake, stream, or river.

Præcipe creaturis quod natare (command aquatic creatures) enables the subject to control the behavior of sea creatures.

Protegera ab demersi (protect from drowning) protects the subject (e.g., person or animal) from drowning.

Protegera ab flumina (protect from floods) protects the subject (e.g., homes, buildings, farms) from floods.

Protegera ab naufragia (protect from shipwrecks) protects the subject (e.g., ship, goods, passengers and crew) from shipwrecks.

Spirant sub aqua (breathe underwater) enables the subject to breathe underwater.
