
Chapter 23

Near the end of his stay things have been kind of weird with Sona; he noticed she was more interactive than before. Meaning that she will talk to Sephiroth more often and invite him to do things together while before they would just do their own thing but in each other's presence. If Sephiroth didn't know any better he would think that Sona likes him more than a friend but didn't want to ask her about it till she said something herself, so he just indulge her as best he can as a friend of course.

On the second to last day with the Sitri's family he decided that he should at least go and visit the Gremory household and say hi to Akeno. She was his favorite out of Rias peerage with Kiba and Koneko tried for second with Rias dead last. They were his friends, well most of them at least expect Rias he didn't like how she would try and manipulate him but he wouldn't do anything to her unless she crossed the line with him.

"Sona I'm going to go and visit the Gremory household before I leave the underworld and then go to Kyoto" Sephiroth said after they all ate breakfast.

"I see well it was nice having you stay with us this summer vacation Sephiroth, I'll see you when the new school term starts." Sona then quickly got up to leave the dining room with some tears in the corner of her eyes that Sephiroth couldn't see with her walking away.

Unaware of Sona's situation, Sephiroth started flying toward the Gremory household soon after to spend at least one day with them before he left the underworld.

Upon arriving near the household he was stopped by the guards outside wanting to know who he was and why he was here. After Sephiroth explained that he was here to visit some of his friends a guard went to the main household to retrieve the head maid so that he could be led inside to them.

While Sephiroth was waiting a couple minutes he sees someone walking toward him who he can assume is the head maid that he is waiting for. When he finally gets a good look at her he sees a beautiful young woman who appears to be in her early twenties with back-length silver hair that features a long braid on each side with small blue bows at the ends, while the rest is let down which ends in twin braids and silver eyes. Known as the strongest queen in the underworld and on the same level as the satans. She goes by the name of Grayfia Lucifuge.

"Hello there Crescent-sama, my name is Grayfia Lucifuge and I'm the head maid here at the Gremory household. I've been told a lot about you by Rias-sama, please follow me and I'll take you to them" Grayfia said with a bow toward him and then turning around to lead him to where Rias and her peerage currently are.

While they are walking Sephiroth decides to use his senjutsu to see how powerful this woman was and was internally shocked that this head maid was as strong as his new familiar Tiamat. Someone of this power shouldn't be the head maid but someone of importances, curious Sephiroth decided to ask.

"Grayfia why is someone so powerful the head maid of the Gremory household?" Sephiroth asked as they were walking.

"I thought Rias-sama would of told you I am married to Sirzechs her older brother so for my husband I work here as head maid and as his secretary" When Sephiroth heard that he was mildly surprised that Rias brother let his suppose wife work as a maid even if it is the head maid. It just seems so beneath her to do something like this with her power and beauty.

"Why would you degrade yourself to just being a maid and his secretary? Someone of your power and beauty shouldn't be doing something like this, so what is the real reason?" Sephiroth asked again, feeling like she wasn't telling him the whole truth.

Grayfia was surprised but didn't let it show on her face or her body movement that Sephiroth was right that what she said wasn't the whole truth but she didn't know him enough to tell him the real truth. She did like that he complimented her and her opinion of him went up a few notches.

"Perhaps you will learn the truth but right now" Grayfia muttered quietly to herself unaware that Sephiroth heard her and was looking forward to whenever that was going to happen.

When Grayfia led Sephrioth to the living room that Rias and the others were at, she bowed to him and left him there informing him that if he needed anything he should let her know.

When Sephiroth walked into the room the group finally noticed his presence and all went to greet him.

"Sephiroth dearest, did you come to see little old me?" Akeno said in a teasing tone pointing at her herself trying to look coy to him.

"Sephiroth how have you been?" Kiba says, giving Sephiroht a slight nod of his to acknowledge him.

"Hello there Sephiroth-senpai" Koneko said, offering him some of her sweets which surprised some of the peerage because she never shares her sweets with anyone.

Last one to say something to him was Rias, she walked toward him with a sway in her hips and her arms under her breasts pushing them up more making them look even bigger than they already are.

Grabbing his arm and putting it in between her breasts, "Did you miss me is that why you came to my home?" she whispered into his ear in a flirty tone.

Ignoring what Rias asked him, he grabbed the sweets that Koneko offered him and responded by letting them know what he had been up to at the Sitri household. When they heard that he met Sona's sister Serafall they were surprised that she tried to make him her sidekick upon their first meeting and kept trying the whole time he was there. It kind of reminded them of someone else that keeps bugging him about joining her peerage.

When he explained that he went to the familiar forest to get a familiar and ended up fighting and winning against Tiamat thus making her his familiar they were shocked into speechlessness. This was a dragon king that rivaled a satan class devil in power and he not only fought her but won as well. Meaning that he is just as strong or stronger than Satan class devil in power, something that showed how much they didn't know about how strong Sephiroth really is.

"So let me get this straight you went to the familiar forest to get a familiar and ended up getting the strongest one, a dragon king?" Rias asked, trying to process what she just was told.

"On top of that you beat her barley taking any kind of damage at all" Kiba stated making sure he heard right.

"Yes, she wanted me to prove myself and I did just that" Sephiroth answered like it made perfect sense.

"Senpai is super strong" Koneko says eating her sweets, sad that she is almost out already.

"bet you really brought the pain to her during the fight Ufufufu" Akeno said laughing behind her hand just thinking about all the pain that Sephiroth delivered to Tiamat and was tempted to experience herself in private of course.

And like this they spent some time catching up till Grayfia came back but this time she wasn't alone she had a male version of Rias a handsome man who seems to be in his early 20's. He has shoulder length crimson red hair and blue-green eyes known as Sirzechs one of the four great satans in the underworld and in charge of domestic affairs and one if not the most powerful devil in the underworld.

"Hello there Rias, is this Sephiroth. The one that you've been talking so much about? Sirzechs asked Rias who was embarrassed that her brother would say something like that in front of him.

"Onii-chan please, I haven't been doing that at all" Where Sirzechs just laughs at his sister.

"Hello there Sephiroth Crescent, I"m Sirzechs Lucifer, Ria's older brother" As he extends his hand for a handshake toward Sephiroth who takes it and gives a firm handshake back.

"A pleasure to meet you Sirzechs"

"Sephiroth if you have a moment could you follow me into the study I want to ask something of you" Curious about what he would want from someone like him he nodded agreeing to follow him to see what he had to say.

Everyone else in the room except for Grayfia were confused about what he wanted to talk to Sephiroth about and couldn't wait till he got back so that they could ask him.


Upon entering the study and sitting down in one of the chairs where Sirzechs sat behind the desk and Grayfai standing behind him on the side he then spoke "Sephiroth I have a favor to ask of you and in return I'll owe you a favor as well, what do you say?"

"Having someone like you owe me a favor couldn't be a bad thing, what do you need from me?" Sephiroth answered, waiting to see what this favor is.

"No hesitation, I like that. I need you to help my little sister Rias to get out of her marriage that will most likely happen next year to her fiance Riser Phenex."

"Why me though I'm not a devil and while I spend time with Rias it is mostly because Akeno, Kiba, and Koneko are always with her. For me to interfere with what I assume is a political marriage I'd have to be a devil which I am not." Sephiroth stated to Sirzechs curious how he is going to get around this part.

"What if I could make you a devil with your own set of evil pieces and all you have to do is promise me that you will help Rias when the time is right and I'll still owe you a favor?"

"While the offer is tempting, my question is why me, why can't you do something about it? You are the Lucifer of the underworld?" Sephiroth asked curious as to why Ria's own brother won't do it himself and have an outsider do it for him.

"It is because of my position that I must remain neutral even if it is my own sister, I know that she doesn't want this marriage but there is nothing that I can do but get someone else to help her in my place. I may have a powerful position and power behind me, but I am still limited in what I can do." Sirzechs stated hoping that Sephiroth would understand his current predicament.

"I understand let me think about it and I'll get back to you about it Sirzechs" Sephiroth then did a small bow and then left the study leaving Grayfia and Sirzechs alone in the study.

"Do you think it is wise to get him involved with Sirzechs, he might not even be strong enough to take on Riser Phenex, someone that has the immortal bloodline in him." Grayfia questioned what her husband was thinking.

Laughing to her question, to where Grayfia just gave him a glare wanting him to answer the question. Composing himself quickly otherwise he will have to face his wifes retaliation "Did you know he recently went to the familiar forest and do you know what happened there?"

"He fought and beat Tiamat the guardian of the familiar forest and made her his own familiar. Do you know what that means? He is just as strong as you or maybe even me unless I go super devil form." This new information shocked Grayfia and it showed on her face because this young man wasn't even 20 yet but was one of the strongest beings in the world already minus actually gods.

"So yes I believe he is more than powerful enough to beat Riser Phenex, the problem is getting him to agree is all that is the issue right now but we still have some time and he is tempted if his answer is anything to go by Grayfia." Continued Sirzechs

"I understand, I can only hope that he agrees to help us then in the future" Grayfia stated before they both left and went back to whatever they were doing earlier.


Upon getting back to the living room with the others they did pester him to know what Grayfia and Sirzechs wanted with him, but he wouldn't say and left it at that. This disappointed them all but especially Rias because it was her brother and she knew that he wouldn't say anything to her even if she used puppy eyes on him.

Like this Sephiroth spent the day with them all but wasn't able to meet Ria's father and mother this time because they were gone for the day and wouldn't be back till tomorrow sometime but he would be gone tonight to Kyoto to see Yasaka and Kunou.

Having said his goodbyes to the group, Sephiroth teleports to Kyoto late at night, to Yasaka home. He greets the guards and they don't stop him because they know who he is and the fact that he is the lover or husband of their faction leader Yasaka.

Using his senjutsu he sensed where both Kunou and Yasaka were, with Kunou in her room most likely asleep based on what time it is and Yasaka in her office. Deciding to surprise her he blocks his existence completely from everyone and stealthy walks to her office.

When he opens the door he can see Yasaka so focused on her paperwork that she didn't even bother to look up and just motioned for whoever came in to put what she assumed to be more paperwork on her ever present stack of papers. When she noticed that the person that walked in is standing in front of her desk still not moving she sighed and looked up and much to her surprise stood her lover Sephiroth.

About to question why he was here so late she was interrupted when Sephiroth captured her lips giving her a deep passionate kiss showing how much he missed her. Lost in the kiss she didn't even know how much time passed till he pulled away from her giving her a smirk.

"I came to spend time with you but it seems you're busy, should I come back another time?" Sephiroth asked with that smirk still on his face.

Blushing from his passionate kiss she just got, she looked down on her desk to see the stacks of papers and then back at Sephiroth. A small glint went through her eyes unnoticed by Sephiroth "You came just at the right time I needed a break anyway" Yasaka purred out using her tails to fondle his chin slowly.

"I know just what I want to do" Using the rest of her tails she swipes the papers on her desk off to the floor scattering them and pulls Sephiroth onto the desk making him lay down across it, getting over top of him and sitting on his waist already working to pull his shirt off his body.

"Oh, and who am I to deny my foxy lover" Sephiroth said and then waved his hand creating a sound and protection barrier so no one can hear or enter Yasaka's office room.

Do we want another R 18 chapter I don't mind either way let me know peeps otherwise I'll just skip it.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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