
Chapter 20

It has been several days since that very interesting dinner where Sephiroth met Serafall. While he has been busy reading all day in the library sometimes Sona will join him and they will spend the whole day reading in peace without even saying a word to each other just enjoying each other's company. Even Serafall will come by but she is so loud that Sona will always kick her out shortly after she comes by. She doesn't give up trying to get Sephiroth to be her sidekick, promising that he will be the greatest sidekick of all time and they will be protectors of the whole underworld.

She believes that if she keeps asking him, he will give in and join her then they can work together to get her so-tan to join as well. How great would that be she thought but sadly it never going to happen.

Then Sephiroth came across a book that talked about familiars, something that he has some experience with in his old world. His summons were something similar to familiars so he is hoping that he can get one himself to help increase his power. So he decides to ask Sona when she comes by the library again later today.

Upon seeing Sona enter the library and sit down on one of the many chairs in the library, Sephiroth asks her a question before she starts reading "Sona can one get a familiar without being a devil?"

Surprised by the sudden question and about something like that, she quickly comprosies herself "I don't know, only the devils have access to the familiar forest and it is protected by one of the 5 Great Dragon Kings, Tiamat. She is one of the few legendary Dragons that are still active since ancient times."

"You might be able to enter and get one if you meet her and ask permission from her since she is in charge of it but I would be cautious because she is very strong being a dragon king and all but she won't hesitate to attack someone that bugs her." Sona says, hoping to desaude Sephiroth from trying to find her.

"I see so I just have to find her and ask and if that doesn't work beat her until she lets me" Sephiroth states shocking Sona that he thinks that he can beat a dragon king just like that.

She starts to wonder if he really could do it though, she knows that he is strong and he has only gotten stronger since he has been here with all the reading that he has been doing not to mention how far he must have gotten in his senjutsu training as well.

"Sona I need you to lead me to the familiar forest tomorrow so that I may get a familiar and maybe I'll get some exercise as well." Sephiroth said while he muttered to himself "Having beaten a dragon in a while might be fun" Sona just nodded her head not knowing what else to do she can't stop him even if she wanted to.

*Familiar Forest*

Upon arriving as what could only be described as a magical forest with all sorts of creatures in it ones you would find in a fantasy world.

"Welcome to the familiar forest Sephiroth our guide should be here soon" stated Sona while she calmly waits for their familiar guide to show up for them so that they can get to Tiamat.

"Hello there Sona Sitri and Sephiroth Crescent" out jumps out a man who looks to be in his young twenty year old man wearing a red hat backwards with a blue blazer on with a matching pair of blue jeans and red shoes with some black gloves on his hands.

"I'm going to be your guide Ash Ketchum, now what kind of familiar are you looking for?" he asks them both.

(A/N: Yes I know thought it be funny lol)

"I actually need to find the guardian of the forest Tiamat, I need to speak with her about something." Sephiroth said shocking Ash because he didn't want to get anywhere near that dragon.

"Ummm about that…. Why?"

"You don't need to know, just take me there now" Sephiroth said in a cold tone meaning he wouldn't take no for an answer.

Sighing to himself wondering how he got into this mess he resigned himself to his fate "Fine I'll show you the way but I'm not getting close to that crazy dragon king" He then motions for them to follow him to where Tiamat is located.

When they finally arrive at where Tiamat is located, Ash quickly leaves them not wanting to get involved in whatever Sona and Sephiroth were going to do. Once he is out of sight they walk closer to the cave that Tiamat supposedly lives till they hear a loud roar.

"Who dares step into my territory" as a pale blue Western Dragon with celestial blue scales come out of what looks to be a massive cave in the middle of a mountain.

"Sorry for disturbing you Tiamat, my name is Sona Sitri the heiress to the Sitri family and this here is my friend Sephiroth Crescent. The reason we are here is because he wanted to ask you something" Sona spoke out before Sephiroth could trying to be a negotiator of sorts for him.

"I know of your family, but my question now is why is there a non-devil here in the familiar forest. You should know only devils are allowed into here." Tiamat says on preach right outside her entrance to her home, looking down on the two like they are beneath her.

"I know that sadly my friend still wanted to come and speak with you regardless" bowed Sona to Tiamat hoping to quill any anger that she has for bringing a non-devil into the familiar forest.

"Tiamat you can call me Sephiroth, the reason that I am here is because I want a familiar even though I'm not a devil" Sephiroth stepped forward giving a slight bow trying to be diplomatic about this first before he used violence. He is getting a familiar one way or another he thought.

"And why should I do what you tell me, I don't even know you kid" Tiamat stated back wondering what this kid was going to say to her to convince her to let him get a familiar even when he is not a devil.

"What do you want from me to be able to get a familiar?" Sephiroth started wondering what this dragon king will want.

Giving him a toothy smile at the great idea that she had just now "I want you to fight me and if you win I'll allow you into the familiar forest. You may choose anything in this forest to be your familiar, but if you lose you must be my servant for 100 years. What say you kid?" Tiamat had sensed how strong Sephiroth was and her dragon instincts kicked in for her to fight him but being a prideful dragon still thought that she was stronger and just wanted an excuse to let off some steam.

Sona was shocked at how quickly this negotiation derailed into a fight situation but she knew that she wouldn't be able to stop these two no matter what. She just wasn't strong enough to make them change their mind and logic wasn't going to work on them.

"I accept your challenge Tiamat and must thank you for it. I haven't had a chance to let loose in a fight for a while now" Sephiroth said while cracking his neck side to side trying to loosen up a bit.

"Sona step back if you don't want to die in the crossfire" Sephiroth stated pulling out his masamune sword from a magical portal. Shocking Sona in how big his weapon was and the power that she could feel pulsing off of it.

"Good you brat, trust me I won't treat you bad as my servant when you lose." Tiamat states flying down to the ground in front of him.

"I shall shatter your hopes about winning with my power" thought both of them toward the other.

"Show me your skills so that I can show you the despair" Sephiroth said in a cold and even tone taking up his sword stance with his sword behind him in an overhead position pointing toward Tiamat with his other arm stretched out front for whatever comes at him from her.

big fight scene next chapter post it later tonight might take a nap first im tired

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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