
You Can Go

On Dawn's assurance that she would start attending the office from next day onwards, Lily Wyatt was actually looking forward to it. She was eager that Dawn started working as soon as possible, and brings the Company out of the doldrums. The fact that she was married to Daryn Silver would work in her favor. The sooner she brought the business back on track, the sooner she would be able to take it back from her. Her plans were all ready. All she had to do was wait for a year or so or maybe less… There was a smile on her face when she left the Wyatt Golf Course and she was extra cordial to Daryn. 

Daryn pulled Dawn in his lap in the car after pressing the button for the shield to rise between them and the driver, while on their journey back to the Silver Mansion. He was very tense with what happened at the course. Not only did Dawn encounter the werewolf, she also faced the worst possible thing—Bree wanted to poison her. 
