
The Water God's Palace

He woke up after passing out

He checked the time and it's already noon.

Looking down from up the tree, he saw many beasts down there attracted to the creature's carcass.

Zed jumps down and starts his massacre on the low level beasts that are attracted to said carcass.

After digging out the creature's carcass, Zed then started jogging while dragging the carcass.

If anyone were to look at him now, they would be shocked and people would sneer at the same time. Shocked because of how big the creature's carcass that he's carrying is and sneer at him because in this era people could just put their belongings into a magic pouch for efficiency. Normally, a Knight ranked warrior can travel two hundred kilometres a day, but with the carcass he is carrying, Zed's speed is much slower, it would be a miracle if he can get to Eplodon City today.

After an hour of jogging with a carcass on his back, Suddenly a man called out to him,

"Halt!!" said a man wearing a headband on his head and ugly looking clothes.

Responding with a raised eyebrow, Zed tried to respond by saying "What do you..?" Before he can even finish his words, nine other guys emerge from his surrounding.

Judging from their aura, there are five warrior ranks, three mage ranks and two Apprentices. Knowing his opponents, Zed sported a grin on his face. 'Thank god i met them, i can use them to carry this damn carcass.'

"So, what do you guys want?" Zed asked while trying to look scary by folding his arms in front of him.

"You have a fine looking beast carcass right there, why don't you give it to us then we'll exchange it then we will give the money to you?" answered the guy who seems like the leader

"Why don't you try and take it from me?" Said Zed with a confident look in his eyes.

"You're courting death", five of the group then charged at Zed with greed and killing intent in their eyes.

Three of them charge to fight close quarters with Zed while the other two use reinforce magic to further enhance the strength of the two warrior class.

Soon the three and Zed trade blow after blows.

The three send punch, kicks, and slashes with their dagger but they can't even hit Zed.

Zed is not even using fifty percent of his power, yet he can handle them easily, looking at his lackeys toyed with. The leader was angry and decided join the fight.

The mages focus and use their strengthening spells on their leader, The leader's strength is rising rapidly and threw a powerful punch towards Zed.

Just as Zed wanted to respond and punch the leader, a hand made of earth grabbed his hand and negated the attack. Zed is shocked, this is his first time fighting with a group that has excellent chemistry. Having no time to react, the fist came down to his face.

A crack appeared beneath his feet due to the force brought by the leader, who is a level 5 knight rank . When suddenly they heard a scream from their leader, "ARRGHH!!

The leader is shocked, a few bones on his hand broke because of his punch.

Zed stood there, then he turned his face while stroking his cheek, "Nice punch." he said with a big grin.

Looking at Zed who came out unscathed by their leader's reinforced punch, They all feel their legs go limp, thinking 'If even our leader can't hurt him, then no one in our group can.'

Looking at the stunned group, Zed walked slowly towards the leader while cracking his knuckle.

The leader forced out his words in the nick of time, "Please i'm sorry i didn't know that you are this powerful, spare me..."

He then continued, "Let us carry your carcass, where are you heading?", with a pleading look on his face.

Smiling happily because he doesn't need to carry that creature again he said, "I'm going to Eplodon city, you guys can't lift it alone let me put it on your guys' back, then we can proceed to Eplodon City", while walking cheerfully towards the carcass.

Just as he lifted the carcass, he turned back and saw an empty space, the bandits were already gone.


"IF I FIND YOU GUYS, I'M GOING TO KILL YOU ALL!" screamed Zed with a raging anger welling up on his chest.

The group of ten use their life saving item, which is a smoke bomb, when they use the smoke bomb all user who breathe it in will gain invisibility and a great boost of speed. So when Zed turn around all he can see is a puff of smoke.

Feeling frustrated and angry due to this sudden turn of events, he proceeded to use his Madman Rage secret skill to carry this creature, then he said to himself, "No matter what, i have to go to that waterfall, take a bath and sleep in a nice room with a comfy bed today" he said tiredly, whilst trying to keep his anger and frustration in check.


A man wearing all black clothes is running stealthily in the Savanna 'Swallowing' Forest, He chant lightly, then his eyes glow white.

When his eyes glow white, he took a sharp right with amazing speed. When one looks at his speed, they can only see an afterimage of someone running.

This man is Nightgrip sent by Duncan and Cordellia Zabinski.

After about twenty minutes of running, Nightgrip stopped and observe the situation in front of him.

"You have a fine looking beast carcass right there, why don't you give it to us then we'll exchange it then we will give the money to you?"

"Why don't you try and take it from me?"

Nightgrip took in all the details he can see from the scene in front of him

His facial expressions are changing by the second, from shock, admiration, gentle, angry, all of the human emotions can be seen on his face.

When Zed activated his secret skill, Nightgrip is shocked to his core, he mumbled "Is that a Magical skill?, Where did he get it?"


After cursing his stupidity for not crippling the leader first, he then ran faster than before because of his Madman Rage skill.

The Madman Rage Secret Skill has no restriction to use or side effect to the user's body, that's how precious a Magical Skill is. The user only needs to train their body to sustain the blood flowing faster, after they achieve this, they will be good to train the rest of their skills.

Nine hours passed in the blink of an eye.

After hours of running, Zed feels tired even with his enhanced physique and started walking out of breath.

When he looked up, his eyes were sparkling, because in front of him is a city reinforced with a hardened stone, but the city is still less majestic than Calesar city.

Seeing the city so close by, he picked up his pace to get there as fast as possible.

Eplodon city is a city that has a waterfall in the core of it as their main attraction, the city's wall is colored sparkling brown with a bustling market even at night, like they have no worries. Although it is not one of the big cities, it still looks beautiful. The city is a circle shaped city with a big statue shaped like a goddess playing a zither on its core.

Many called this city as "The water god's palace" due to the flowing waterfall throughout the city, and the statue of the water goddess as a decoration.

The bustling city stopped and looked to the direction of the incoming person dragging a creature's carcass. The person looks haggard with leather like clothes, and muscular body like it's been carved by an artist. The creature's carcass is so big that the surrounding people have to move and make way.

Zed dragged the carcass towards the Central Shop of this city.
