
Come In the Kitchen

Indomitable Arlo:  Hey! I'm sorry for everything that has happened. Just sending a message to let you now that it will be my last day in the city today. Tomorrow morning... rather, later in the morning since it's 2AM now LMAO... I'll be leaving with my dad and will be staying with my mother. I'll drop from the university. Thank you so much for protecting me and my dad, guys. And also... thanks so much for being great friends and for everything. I'm sorry it had to end this way. 

When the three of them saw this message, immediately, the dining room fell silent.

Angeal, Arvid, and Frey didn't know what to feel--Arlo's sudden farewell making them stare at their phone screen. 

Arvid already knew about it, but still, he found it surprising that they are going to leave later on. It was so soon and indeed, time flew by so quickly, making him realize that yesterday had ended but still it felt like it was still today.
