
A Very Merry Unbirthday, Angeal!

[This chapter is dedicated to kalachuchi1 for being my top 3 (previously top 2) fan! ^^ Thanks so much for the support!]


Devin and Angeal had arrived in front of the maze's entrance. From where they are, Angeal suspiciously furrowed her brows when she saw different colored clouds of smoke coming from the middle of the maze. There were blue clouds, then pink clouds, then yellow ones, to green ones... 


Looking at it more by the second, Angeal hesitantly reached out to Devin as she tugged on to his sleeve, feeling uncomfortable.

"Wh-what is happening? Why are there clouds of smoke coming from the middle of the maze?" Angeal sniffed and her eyebrows connected, "And the smell of... tea?"

Angeal looked up at Devin and when he looked down to meet her blue eyes, the girl instantly avoided his gaze as she immediately felt awkward for being alone with Devin after so many days of not being together.

"We have to go inside and see."
