
Ruin the Friendship

It was 11:30AM when Frey looked at her watch.

Their instructor in Abnormal Psychology dismissed them early for lunch so she went out of their classroom when she remembered that Arvid's was right across hers.

From the window, she saw him seated at the back, looking attentive as ever as he jotted down notes.

Frey looked at the board and noticed that he was taking up humanities and they were talking about their course outline for the subject.

As she leaned on the wall behind her, Arvid's class were at the same time dismissed earlier for lunch. The moment he stood up, he was instantly the center of attraction.

Most of the girls were looking at him and were even smiling at him flirtatiously, hoping for him to give them attention.


Frey rolled her eyes at the girls then walked her way to Arvid's class.

From the corner of his eye, Arvid noticed Frey at the door so he quickly walked up to her then smiled.

"Dismissed early," he asked and Frey nodded as her answer.

When the girls saw the two talking, some of them averted their gaze and some of them gave a deathly stare to Frey.

'Oh, please...'

Frey internally sighed then gave Arvid a smile before she spoke.

"Let's go at the gate now then. They may be dismissed earlier, too," she suggested and when Arvid heard this, what he did next was completely unexpected, almost making Frey's heart jump out of her chest.

Arvid put his arm around Frey's shoulder, pulling her close to him.

"Let's go, babe."


When Arvid started walking away, Frey had no choice but to follow him since his hand was around her shoulder.

Frey glanced at Arvid and noticed that his face was serious. She had been friends with Arvid since they were kids but from this angle, she realized how handsome the young immortal is.

He may have an unruly hair, but to Arvid, it gave him more appeal. His light blue eyes looked straight as his lips turned into a tight line. Frey never saw his serious expression before.

As the girl looked at him, she now fully understood why he was immediately the center of attraction.

Arvid is a walking epitome of pulchritude.

The young immortal noticed that Frey was looking at him so he looked down and he met her hazel eyes, feeling curious.

"What's wrong," he whispered and it brought Frey back to her senses. She shook her head violently as her answer then spoke.


'Your actions took me off guard, dimwit!'

The moment they were already out of the building, Arvid sighed then released Frey from his hold.

"Man, those girls are so troublesome... I don't really like how they stare at me," the young immortal complained as he chuckled.

Frey looked at him then gave him a teasing smile.

"I didn't expect you not to like the attention!"

When Arvid heard this, he rolled his eyes at her. At the same time, they also reached the front gate and noticed that the two were still in class since they were not present here yet.

"Oh, please... I am aware that I am attractive but being cooped up in the mansion for too long then getting sudden attention? I wouldn't like it," he retorted as he leaned his back on the pillar.

Frey giggled as she squinted her eyes at him.

"Really? Wait until you get used to it~! You might enjoy the attention," Frey teased, making Arvid scoff.

"Whatever. I don't want attention. The only attention that I want is Angeal's."

Frey shook her head the moment she heard this. She knew too well how he likes Angeal but for a very long time, Arvid never bothered telling her his feelings.

"Say, Arvid," Frey called his attention as she folded her arms in front of her chest. "If you want her attention, why won't you try to confess to our dear Angeal?"

When Frey asked this, Arvid's ears started turning red, feeling embarrassed from the question thrown at him.


He didn't know what to say, but Frey has a point. If he wanted Angeal's attention, why couldn't he directly say his feelings to her?

He knew the answer to that question well.

Arvid was afraid of their friendship collapsing.

The young immortal sighed, then he answered Frey's question.

"It is already obvious in my actions... I don't have to tell her."

When Frey heard this, she overly rolled her eyes at Arvid as she sighed exasperatedly. She felt like she was talking to a lunkhead!

"Duh! You know how oblivious our Angeal is! And you know how she is! You grew up together! Your actions toward her are seen as brotherly love!"

Hearing Frey's explanation made Arvid understand what she meant.

She was right. Angeal grew up with him and she saw him as a brother and her best friend. To Arvid, those actions toward her were not only brotherly love, but he sincerely loves her...


Arvid shook his head then voiced out his concern.

"Frey, look at it this way. We have been friends for a long time. If I were to tell my feelings to Angeal, who knows how she might react?"

When Frey heard this, she kept quiet for a while as she placed herself in Arvid's shoes to fully understand what he meant.

The young immortal does have a point.

Arvid sighed as he looked at the building where Angeal might be taking classes then spoke.

"If I tell her, Frey... I am afraid to ruin the friendship we have. I wouldn't want to risk that. Angeal is important to me."

When Frey heard this, she frowned. She felt her heart ache for Arvid as she understood fully well now why he was afraid and why he kept himself from telling his true feelings from Angeal.

She also realized that Arvid was willing to keep his feelings bottled up just for him to protect his friendship with Angeal.

As Frey looked at the young immortal in front of her, her frown turned into a smile.

She didn't expect Arvid to exhibit this kind of emotional maturity when she knew him since she was a kid.

He was often childish and immature... but little did she know that this boy matured, too!

Frey looked at her phone to look at the time, when suddenly, an idea popped in her head.

'Lemme spice things up a bit!'

Knowing that both Arlo and Angeal were not yet around, she opened Angeal's contact then proceeded to text her.

She stated that their class had ended earlier and proceeded to buy the groceries then would follow after.

Arvid noticed the cheeky grin on Frey's face and knowing her for too long, the young immortal knew that she is up to no good.

He raised a brow at her.

"What are you scheming?"

Frey's grin seem to have reached both of her eyes as she grabbed Arvid's arm and started walking away.

"Hey, what are you doing!?"

The girl giggled as she interlocked fingers with Arvid then gave him a teasing look.

"We are going to do the groceries, 'babe'! We are to give the two an unexpected study date~!"

The moment she said this, the young immortal's face turned sour with the thought of Arlo and Angeal being alone together.

"What the hell, Frey!? Are you insane?!"

The young immortal was left with no choice. She allowed Frey to drag him away even though he didn't want to. He also knew that going against her would be a bad choice...

Since the girl possessed a temper of a demoness.

Shall I make more moments between these two? Hmm...

MysticAmycreators' thoughts