

"Why would I need notebooks when the both of you would be taking down notes? I could just copy. Or just read your notes," Arvid said as Angeal shoved a notebook in his basket, rolling her eyes at him.

"We won't be together in all subjects," Angeal typed quickly on her phone then showed it to him. As Frey read the text, she nodded, then chimed in.

"She is right. You have to take notes by yourself, too," Angeal's best friend agreed and Arvid just scratched the back of his head.

'This is my first time attending school... yet I already feel lazy thinking that I have to write...'

As they went to the cashier to cash out the things they needed for the next semester, they went out of the shop and saw the time on the gigantic digital clock standing at the middle of the mall. They noticed that it was already lunch time.

The young immortal looked at the girls when a suggestion of his popped up.

"Wanna grab something to eat, or are we coming home to eat," Arvid asked Angeal and she pointed at her best friend beside her, indicating that they are with her so they have to eat outside.

Knowing Angeal for too long, just a simple gesture from her would already make them understand what she meant.

"Where do you want to eat then," Frey asked and Angeal looked for a while until she realized she craved for pizza. The sweet human girl pointed at Pizza Hut, then the three of them made way to the restaurant, chose their place, then looked at the menu.

Angeal was seen bobbing her head as if she was dancing and humming a tune to herself while they were browsing the menu. This made Arvid watch the girl, feeling happy that she got to enjoy outside the mansion where they usually work.

The young immortal also realized that if ever Angeal got a voice, she would be more bubbly and would be more expressive about herself and her feelings.

As he thought of this, Arvid also felt sad for the human girl. Although they were happy that she could hear... it would be nice if she could speak.

"It's been a while since we last ate outside. It's going to be so much fun now because Arvid is with us," Frey said, distracting Arvid from his thoughts and the young immortal smirked.

"Of course!"

After choosing what they wanted to eat, Arvid raised his hand to order. The moment the waiter noticed him, he smiled at them, then came to their table. He put down a pitcher of service water then spoke to greet the customers, following their protocol.

"What would you like to order," he asked and when they looked at him, Angeal gazed him differently. Somehow, this waiter seemed familiar. She knew she saw this person before.

She scanned him carefully then tried to recall where she could have possibly met him. She was sure she saw him a few years ago.

Angeal's eyes scanned the guy in front of them. He has brown hair and he has beautiful hazel eyes. As he spoke, he showed his white perfect teeth and at the same time smiled, enough to make a girl swoon.

As Angeal looked at him, she slightly furrowed her brows. She knew that his atmosphere was somewhat familiar, too! After a few seconds, that's when she remembered where she met this guy. It was during elementary and high school.

'Oh, my heart!'

He was one of their classmates back in elementary and high school. They don't talk too much though because he is one of the popular guys, being a basketball player and being the school's crush back at their high school.

The human girl slightly averted her gaze from him as she poured herself a glass of water and drank it to calm herself down. Angeal also realized that she was also part of those girls who admired him from afar.

'He's here... my high school crush!'

Frey smiled as she gave the waiter a soft nudge on the side to greet him. "Oh, you're on duty today, Arlo?"

When Frey said his name, it made Angeal cough on her water, making the three of them look at her in surprise and at the same time with worry.

"Hey, what's wrong," Arvid asked as he quickly got his handkerchief from his pocket then gave it to Angeal. The girl embarrassingly got the cloth from him then wiped her mouth as her face turned redder by the second.

'If I had a voice while I coughed, I would be dead humiliated!'

Arlo cocked his head to the right, finding Angeal's reaction quite funny and cute at the same time. Arlo showed his perfectly white teeth as he smiled at them to answer Frey's question.

"Yeah. Long time no see," he answered and greeted them then he looked at Arvid, wanting to meet him as well. "And he is..."

Upon being asked for an introduction, Arvid extended his hand then introduced himself to Arlo.

"Arvid. I am a physical education student in the same university as you guys."

Arlo extended his hand, making their introduction formal. "Nice to meet you and welcome to the university."

Arlo and Arvid shook hands when suddenly Frey spoke.

"I would like the usual by the way. You know what it is, Arlo," she told her order and the boy chuckled.

"Yeah... but protocol is to still talk to the customers," he remarked then he looked at Angeal, sitting silently as she listened to the conversation. "Anyway, nice seeing you, Angeal."

The girl looked at him and he gave her a smile. The moment he saw another customer call his attention, he winked at the three then went to the customer's direction to deal with them.

"Now isn't he hardworking," Frey commented as she drank the service water given to them.

Angeal got her phone then typed in her app. "You're close with Arlo," she asked and Frey nodded.

"Yeah. He is also a fellow psychology student," she answered and Angeal smiled slightly, making Arvid and Frey look at her.

Arvid and Frey knew Angeal too well for being with her for so many years! They knew that there is something behind that smile. Frey knew it very well without Angeal sharing but to the young immortal, it just piqued his curiosity!

Arvid rose his eyebrow at the girl, wanting to get some answers from her.

"What's wrong?"

Angeal shook her head, indicating that it was nothing but then she looked at Arlo who was busy working, walking around the restaurant. Frey noticed this that's why she gave her a nudge then teased her.

"Don't tell me that high school crush didn't die~!"

When Arvid heard this, he looked at the two girls seated in front of him, dumbfounded, knowing just now that Angeal had a crush on someone.

Even in high school and he never knew!

"Crush? Angeal, you had a crush on him? Or have? Had or have?"

Frey rolled her eyes at the boy, finding his curiosity a drag.

"Oh, isn't it obvious? Look at how she looks at him from afar!"

Arvid looked at Arlo again, comparing the both of them from afar. Knowing that Angeal likes him, this made him feel irritable.

'Ha! I obviously think that I am more good looking than him!'

The young immortal internally sighed, then spoke, pressing Angeal to answer him.

"Why do you like him, Angeal," Arvid suddenly spoke out loud, making the girl look at him with a red face. She shook her head violently, feeling slightly embarrassed by his question.

'Why is this immortal guy so shameless!?'

Frey laughed as she put her hand on Angeal's shoulder.

"It's obvious! Arlo was the only guy who talked to her normally in school! He doesn't talk to her frequently, though. But he doesn't ignore her, unlike our other classmates," she answered Arvid then she gave Angeal a teasing look. "Am I right?"

Angeal couldn't answer, making her look at her empty plate on the table.

What Frey said was right... it made sweet Angeal feel thankful that Frey knew her too well so she could avoid explaining to people something that makes her shy or feel uncomfortable.

The young immortal rolled his eyes at Frey, scoffed, then he spoke.

"Whatever! I talk to Angeal all the time!"

Frey laughed as she watched how annoyed the young immortal is in front of her. Seeing him like this felt like he was in a competition with someone but the most funny thing is Angeal doesn't even realize that Arvid likes her.

Frey leaned on the table, making her face closer to where Arvid is.

"Go tell her then," she mouthed, teasing the young immortal, then Arvid's ears started to redden, feeling embarrassed.

For the many years that they've been together, he couldn't find the courage to let Angeal know about his feelings through words!

"Shut up," he mouthed back then Frey laughed once again, enjoying teasing Arvid.

Angeal still watched Arlo from afar and felt that her heart was doubling its pace. She rarely saw him during their first year of college. Now that she saw him again, she felt nostalgic as to how she had a crush on him for being nice to her.

'Do I still like him?'

Angeal shook her head when she thought of this.

Maybe it was just a sudden rush of attraction since it was only now that they saw each other again.

A new character! Would it work out between the two? ;)

I would like to thank the following people for sending stones! Some of them also left a review and some of them also comment, making this nymph happy!

Thank you: OneWingedAngel, thegreekqueen, Draktharr, Genj, Chichii, sophia_121, ales_san, Amruta_Shinde_2456, AmrutaShinde95, Taniska_4948, Fatty_Kimura, Cally143, ammy_sunil, starry8sword, kwemui, Gifted_Wu, Astria_Blue, clqyen, and Infinite888! ^^

To my readers, thanks for reading my work!

MysticAmycreators' thoughts