
Chapter 52 Fragment Of Corruption

Outside the castle fires were raging, explosions were going off everywhere and the sound of pained screams could be heard echoing out from all over the place. On the ground cultists and puppets were fighting a seemingly losing battle against a rather terrifying opponent, a horde of twitching and horrific looking cultists that seemed to be multiplying incredibly rapidly. Their bodies we're literally splitting like how a cell would to multiply, this splitting created two very identical and very bloodthirsty cultist that just wanted to multiply endlessly. Normally this wouldn't be a problem if it is only one or two constantly doing this but in this place there were hundreds of infected that were constantly dividing to increase their numbers.

And yes, infected, the cultist were very much infected and they weren't just increasing their numbers by splitting, oh no, they were infecting other cultists by forcefully feeding them what looked like massive worm like parasites covered in tentacles and sharp spines. This parasite would rip their way out of the infected's mouth before entering through the poor victim's mouth turning them into a crazed infected. The cultists and puppets were literally fighting on a mountain of bloody bodies at this point, what was worse however was the fact that no matter how many they actually managed to kill the numbers of infected was only growing endlessly while their numbers were slowly dropping. And finally to put the icing on the cake of misery that they all were currently experiencing, the longer an individual infected was aloud to live the more it began to change, some of them now had bladed tendrils coming out of their backs and large bone claws for fingers.

It was then however when several loud explosions could be heard from with in the castle, unfortunately or fortunately, depending on your view, the cult was too busy right now to find out what exactly was going on inside.

=========Suu Pov========


(Damn this guy is annoying) I gritted my teeth as I used my blink skill to rapidly dodge out of the way of the thousands of blood-based attacks that were being thrown at me.

I couldn't help but glare down at the Sixth in irritation, however, he didn't say a thing and just continued to constantly attack me with out stopping. It was obvious that he was trying to make me use up all of my magicules dodging these attacks of his but unbeknownst to him I can just use Black blood as a substitute if it's really needed, not that me knowing that made my current situation any less annoying though.

(I can't use flame body here witch is annoying, mostly because all of this guy's skills seem to be blood based in some way, even though he seems to crystallize the blood to make different attacks he can just turn them back to normal the moment I try to let them pass through me) I complained internally while sending out several attacks only for them to be met with a wall of crystallised blood. I also tried blinking behind him while his sight was blocked, however, I was almost instantly met with half a dozen spikes the moment I tried to attack him forcing me to blink away once again.

(I need to get out of this damn room and find somewhere that isn't half flooded with boiling hot blood) with that thought I blinked towards the ceiling before kicking and shattering it completely. As I made my way out of the newly created hole the ground behind me exploded outward as massive spikes began ripping through everything while splitting and growing rapidly as they chased after me.

Thankfully though I was able to get out of the way while moving through the castle. I was eventually able to get into the large open area that was the throne room, all the while blood spikes were erupting out of the walls and floor behind me. The moment I entered the throne room however, things changed. The floor below me erupted revealing the Sixth who was riding a tower of swirling blood, with a wave of his hand dozens upon dozens of crystallised blood Spears shot out of the tower at me at high speeds but were met with a wall of ice that I quickly created.

I then created several illusions of myself to distract him by heading directly at him from the front, while my clones for doing that I blinked behind him and kicked him in the back. This ended up sending him flying towards the ground but at that moment more blood erupted from the floor and cushioned his fall. I then blinked to the ground before sending a wave of ice spikes towards him, however, it was met with a wave of crystallised blood spikes. When the two waves met each other they spread upwards creating a large wall between the two of us that reached the ceiling of the room.

The Sixth, however, definitely was not expecting that the moment the wall appeared it would be blasted into thousands of pieces as a massive beam of magic energy tore through it heading right for him. Surprisingly though he didn't dodge out of the way but instead he raised his hand before flicking it upwards, at this moment the MCC I had fired at him suddenly changed direction and shot upwards continuing through the ceiling until it eventually reached the outside of the castle and exploded with a loud boom.

(What the hell?!) I was rather confused on how he was able to take control of my magic like that but sadly I wasn't able to see his status so I couldn't check. I had tried to look at his status before but similarly to the bishop that I fought previously his status was filled with some kind of interference making it very hard to read it properly.

(If he has such a skill that allows him to control or manipulate my attacks why did he only use it now? Is it because he can only control so many attacks at a time? Well, there is only one way to find out) I thought to myself as I created hundreds of magic arrows through out the whole room before firing them all at him.

To his credit though the Sixth did actually react rather quickly when he noticed what was coming at him, he didn't even seem to be all that panicked. He created blood walls the block most of the attacks while controlling some of the arrows to shoot them back at me, of course, I very easily avoided them. However, I didn't just stop with that, I kept going, I kept firing more and more magic arrows at him with out stopping, the good thing about magic arrows is that they don't really cost all that much to create and use.

This continued for a straight minute, he would block, redirect some of my attacks and I then would shoot more arrows at him, some of which actually got through and forced him to move out of the way of them. Unfortunately, at that moment the Sixth looked at me and I suddenly felt as if something was up, at first I thought he was going to crystallised the blood inside my body like how the Wraiths had reported him doing, I did have a countermeasure for that but this seemed to be something different. All of a sudden my body felt stiff, just then the Sixth raised his hand and my body was pull towards him. It wasn't hard for me to figure out what he was doing, he was using his skill to control the blood inside of my body and using it to pull me forward, forward towards the sharp blood spikes that had just now ripped out of the ground in front of me.

"That wouldn't work, not on me anyway" I commented as I turned all the blood in my body to water using my Mastery of form skill, this serve to nullify the Sixth's skill temporarily allowing me to jump over the spikes before turning my blood back to normal.

"This fight is over" the Sixth said simply as he appeared behind me, I managed to turn around and block his first attack but at that moment his second gauntlet covered fist pierced through my chest out of my back.

"Fuck!" I growled as I pulled out Blue ash before cutting off his arm and kicking him away from me, however, he didn't seemed bothered by this at all.

"W-what...?" I said while coughing out blood, in that moment I noticed that not only were red markings spreading across my body but I also felt much weaker and actually very nauseous to the point that it caused me to fall forward on to one knee.

"Did you really think that only the Bishops weapons had curses built into them?" He mocked me while the arm that I had previously cut off started to regenerate.

"These gauntlets of mind do a lot more then just stop your regeneration though but it doesn't really matter"

"So die already you annoying nuisance" he spoke calmly as he grabbed hold of the severed arm still in my chest an yanked it out causing my blood to spray everywhere.

(Damn it....!) I could only collapsed on to the floor as the curses started to affect my body.

"When you wake up I'll be long gone, this is the first and last time you will ever see me" this was the last thing he said before turning around and beginning to leave.

As I watched my body slowly start to turn to dust in front of me, as I watched that bastard slowly walk away with out a god damn care in the world I felt something inside of me burst, something that felt as if it never should have been let out. At that moment I heard a robotic voice that suddenly filled the air. [WARNING! The gate of Sorrow is beginning to open]

"What?!" As my mind began to slip and my vision reddened I could hear the Sixth yelling something but I could barely make out anything at this point, mostly because a large portion of my head and skull had already turned to dust. I was honestly surprised I was still conscious at this point considering that I was actually missing a part of my brain.

[WARNING! A Fragment Of Corruption has been unleashed! This message has been sent to every living creature with in one hundred kilometres of the Fragment Of Corruption. Your only hope for survival is to run as far as you possibly can and pray that it does not find you] with that the mechanical voice stop, however, soon after another voice spoke, this time from with in my own head.

[You really are fucking pathetic aren't you? Well then, let's have some fun, shall we, partner!]

(A/N. ZZZZZzzzzzzzz ZZzzzz)
