
Chapter 10: Feeling The Fever Part 1


Monday came too quickly. I was still trying to wake up while I drank my 3rd cup of coffee at the boss's office and I was doing my best to ignore Gideon, my supervisor, in the staff meeting. He had been arguing how people had slowed down their 'production, ' and we were not meeting our standards. I just wanted to tell him people would actually work better without seeing his face staring at them constantly. I could not say that out loud, though, as it would be too bold of me after Friday's argument.

Instead, I decided to think of a pair of dark eyes, and that thought made me blush instantly. I was thinking about our lunch yesterday, how we both were just carefree and relaxed. I've never felt him tense, or as if he was hiding something from me, he was only open and fun. Except for that moment when I caught him at his study wrecking his cellphone, he had been a gentleman with me. I could still smell his earthy cologne after we hugged each other when we said goodbye. I almost forgot to give him my number, but he made sure I would remember. He recorded his one on my phone before handing it to me with a kiss on my forehead.

"So what's so funny Delane?" Gideon's question brought me back to the meeting. Crap! I was smiling from ear to ear, and everyone was looking at me. He was furious.

"I am sorry, Gideon." I cleared my throat and sat straight, pulling a few papers out from my folder. Here goes nothing! "I do not think it is funny, far from that, I think you are completely right." He was in shock, I could see him ready to shoot something back at me, but I caught him off guard. So I kept going. "I think our people have slowed down their 'production' and Gideon has been entirely accurate on his view of the situation. This is why I made this strategic plan to offer some new incentives to our most valuable employees, and we all know that if we encourage the key players, we will have a considerable increase in the overall performance of the staff. They will spread the word, and even the newest agents will be doing their very best to meet our standards...” I concluded. I wasn't sure at first, but I had this ace under my sleeve. I had been working on it for the last two weeks, and he just gave me the perfect opportunity to bring it up to everyone.

Oh, he wasn't happy at all, but my boss encouraged me to continue, and so I did. When we finished, my boss approved me going forward with elaborating my strategy and presenting it again to him at the next staff meeting Friday morning. I was really excited, this was my big chance to show how much I like what I do and that I want to help the company with my knowledge. I sat at my desk, and after a few minutes, I felt my phone buzz. I rushed to take it out of my pocket and saw it was from him. I took a deep breath before reading it.

*Caleb- Good afternoon Meadow, I wasn't sure what time you woke up, and I didn't want to interrupt your work, so I thought I would wait for lunchtime to say hi. How is your day going?

I gasped, looking at my phone's clock it was already past noon. I was too excited I forgot what time it was. I started to get my things to go out and quickly replied.

*Meadow- Good afternoon Caleb! You can't imagine how well timed your message came! I actually forgot to go get lunch, can you believe that! You are saving me yet again :)

I chuckled and felt the phone buzz back, I didn't look at it right away, so I took the elevator down to the lobby. We had a security staff that made everyone who entered and left go through a scan to make sure no one was armed. I always thought it was silly to do it on the way out; if they did their job well, no one would get in with a weapon, so why check on their way out? They would never listen to my point anyway.

I was on the short line of 4 people to get scanned and leave when I felt my heart beat faster; I wasn't sure why, perhaps the excitement of the earlier presentation. Two more people to go then I was going to be out in time to at least get a sandwich from the store at the corner. When there was only one person left, my eyes caught a darkly coated gentleman of a familiar figure outside at the entrance. My heart pounded faster, it was him, and he laid against the door of one of his expensive cars. I blushed immediately as I caught his eyes looking back at me, his smile was disarming.

I walked out still a little shaken and surprised, and he chuckled with his phone on the hand. "You didn't get my last message?" He said as he leaned to kiss my cheek. I knew he noticed how red my cheeks were.

"I am sorry! I rushed to get out as soon as I could and was going to check once I left..." I said almost breathlessly. He chuckled and extended his arm.

"Can I accompany you to lunch then? Even if it is only for a few minutes." I nodded and took his arm. "Where to?" he said, looking around lost.

I chuckled. "Well, since I don't have much time, I was thinking to get a sandwich in a store, right at that corner." I pointed out where and he walked towards there with me.

"This morning I realized we both didn't think about lunch today, we just went straight to dinner tonight or lunch tomorrow. So why lose time now?" We both laughed, and as we reached the small place.
