
Chapter Seventy-seven

Julia was watching the ring exchange from afar. After she had seen where she had been sitting, she had gotten up from there as though the seat was in the fire.

She could not believe it. A woman, no, a girl out of nowhere came up and showed the world how Julia had been to the sidelines. Respectfully done, no one could point fingers at the fact that the fight was dirty and humiliating. It was a blow. A squeaky clean blow that no one saw coming. 

Alexis chapped as the coupled smiled at each other. It felt like a happy scenario to watch and a bit too sappy but yeah. She liked it and smiled at them. They seemed in love. 

After the engagement ceremony had been completed, people mingled with each other or rather Don's family. On one could believe that Donna had come to a ceremony and not marriage. It had never happened before.  Marriage, they had made appearances but to ceremonies? That had happened never before. 
