
Coming back home

Third person POV

*two days later

Y/n was shifted to the normal room. It was a private room. It was quite big enough.

"Feeling better and comfortable?" The doctor asked her.

"Yes." She replied.

"Ok. You'll be under observation for a two to three days. Then you'll be all fine." She nodded and the doctor left.

She turned over to Jungkook.

"Now, tell oppa, I'm awake. And thanks for your help."


*the help

"Jungkook, just do as I say."

He listened eagerly to her.

"Tell oppa that the doctor told, she'll be awake after two days. It'll be difficult for him to come here everyday and it'll be a waste of time. The doctor said he'll call you when I'm awake."

"I'll try my best to convince him from not coming." He smiled.

Then for two days, Taehyung wanted to visit y/n, but the members said she'll be fine and they would call them.


Today was the day. The day where he sees her.

They all came immediately.


Y/n's POV

Tae oppa came inside in a hurry.

"Y/n. Y/n." He was really happy to see me.

"Are you feeling ok? Is it paining a lot?"

"Oppa, I'm fine."

"You say this as fine?" He asked worried.

"Jinjja! I'm ok. So how's my sinu-i (sister-in-law)?" I asked looking at Jenny Unnie behind oppa.

"Y/n, your health is more important to us than our engagement." She said.

"She cares for you more than I do." Oppa said. I smiled.

"It's only been days but feels like years."

"Cause our relationship is that strong." I said and he caressed my hair.

I looked around and saw jungkook was nowhere to be seen.

"Where's Jungkook?" I asked.

"He might be waiting outside."

"I should really do something for him. He's helped me a lot."

"If I'm able to see you all good now, it's all cause of him."

"What do you mean?" I asked doubted.

"Yeah. He's the one who brought you here in time and you had lost a lot of blood. And he donated for you. He's really a true friend."

I went into too much thinking. I'm alive cause of him. He made me live. He's given me life.

I don't know how to thank him.

"I'll come later. Have your food and tablets properly, on time. Then you can be like the old y/n." He kissed my forehead and left.

Jungkook came in as they left.

I didn't talk anything and just looked at him.

"What?" He asked.

"N-nothing." I said shaking my head.

"Now, eat some food. And then you'll have to take your tablets." He said and started feeding me.

He took great care of me. He helped in everything.

Jungkook, I like you so much. I like you so much that I can't express any proper word to describe you cause you're that wonderful. I'm lucky to have you in my life.

I smiled and ate.

I finished and he gave me the tablets. I had them and fell asleep.

*after two hours

I woke up. My body ached. I opened my eyes slowly and looked around.

I saw jungkook sitting on the bed and his face hung down.

I was about to call him but he was...

I looked carefully and saw tears flowing in his eyes.

"J-Jungkook." I called him. He wiped his tears and looked up.

"Come here." I said. He stayed there for a few seconds and then came.

He sat on the chair.

"What happened? Don't say cause of this." He didn't say anything and looked down trying to hide his tears.

I pulled his chin up with my free hand. I wiped his tears.

"Don't be like this. Even if I'm like this, you, Tae oppa, Jenny Unnie, and the others are the ones who give me the energy to stay strong. You're the second person I'm so close after Tae oppa."

I looked at him.

"Cheer up man." I said and comforted him.

"Come here." I opened my one arm for a hug. He got up and hugged me. I patted his back and broke the hug.

"About the bet...." before I could finish he cut my sentence.

"We dont need to do it."

"I'm a woman who keeps up to her words. So as soon as I get well, we are going." I said.

"What did you tell to school?" I asked.

"About that. They said we can attend the main exams alone. It's not required to come to school."

"What did you tell them?"

"Nothing. Just family problem."

"What do you mean by family problem?"

"Just leave it. It's not important." He said scratching his head.

"Kookie. Looks like you did something. Tell me now."

"Don't get mad. But..... uh..... I said that we both....." he paused.

"We both what?"

"We both are..... getting...." he paused again.


He coughed and said something I didn't understand.

"What? Say properly before I belt that ass of yours."

"I said we're getting engaged."

"WHAT?!" I was shocked.

"See they said until it's any important thing like any function in your family you can't take long leaves like this. So I had to tell a small lie."

"Small?!" I said and smiled at him.

"It's ok." I said. He looked shocked.


"Yeah. You know, we don't need to enter that shit area again and I won't have any guys hitting on me anymore. But I might need a ring." I said and laughed at the last line.

"What for it? I'll arrange it." He said and laughed.

We laughed a lot and chatted for awhile.

I had dinner and slept.

*a day later

The doctor said I can be discharged today.

Jungkook went to fill the forms up with Tae oppa and Jenny Unnie helped me changed cause I was hurt really bad.

"Unnie, why are you sad?" I asked her cause she was mood off.


"Unnie, tell me what it is. Even if it's about me you can tell me. I won't tell oppa anything."

"It's not that." She couldn't say anything else.

"Unnie, I know what you're thinking. He loves you more than anything. Just see if this happens today. You both head home and he'll hug you and say that he was sorry he didn't have time to love you. If I'm right, then your his one." I said and she smiled.

"How do you know all this?"

"Unnie, this is called love. I bet you he'll do."

"What if not?"

"I'll do what you want." I said coolly.

"Ok. You should go on a date with jungkook." I looked at her.

"Unnie!! This has got nothing to do with him."

"You said I can choose." She said and smiled.

"Unnie, say something else." I begged her.

"No. It's final." She didn't budge.

"Ok. I'll go."

"But I want you to go on a date even if you win."


"Just go once. You're growing up and need someone right."

"Unnie, I've not seen anyone yet. There's no one like my type."

"Jungkook is there."

"I know we have all same things and stuff. But we're friends. I don't know if it's right to ask out a friend."

"First get well soon. Then I'll tell if it happened or not."

I accepted and we left out. She helped me walk.

"You're done. Shall we leave?" Tae oppa asked. We nodded and left.

"Noona, I'll take her." Jungkook said and helped me.

We got to the parking lot and he helped me get in. I sat down and he sat by me.

Tae oppa drove to our house.

He reached soon. They helped me get down and then in.

"Ok, we'll leave. We don't want to pressure you. I know Jungkook will take great care of you. I'll visit you tomorrow. Today, feel it." Tae oppa said. I smiled.

"Jungkook, can I talk to you for a minute?" Tae oppa called him and they went aside.


Jungkook's POV

Tae hyung called me. I went over and we moved a bit away from y/n.

"I found out who it was." He said.


"Don't tell her or else she'll be worried. It's a girl. Her friend, Cheryl."

I knew it would've been her.

"But why would she do something like this?" He asked.

"I know. I'll deal with it now hyung. I'll take care of it." I said and looked at y/n.

"So when are you gonna ask my sister out?"

"Hyung, you dont ask like that."

"To you I'm your friend not her brother. Tell me whatever it is."

"I don't know when. But maybe after your marriage." He hit me playfully.

"Don't make it late." He smiled and left with noona.


Y/n's POV

"Now, you stay at the bottom room." I nodded. I can't walk up and down in this and I don't want to.

He helped me and I sat on the bed.

"All you have to do is rest and if anything you can call me. I'll be here only." He said.

"I don't need anything for now." I sighed and lay down.

My head hurt a bit. But I managed.

I slept for sometime.

*time skip

I woke up and saw the time. It was almost 2 pm. I sat straight and looked around.

I couldn't see Jungkook. I called him but there was no response. I slowly got up and held the wall and walked.

As I walked, my head was paining. I felt dizzy. I took another step and felt like falling. I held my forehead and tried calling Jungkook.

"J-Jungkook." My voice came out low.

My eyes were open but we're closing slowly. I didn't feel unconscious. Only my head hurt.

I couldn't take another step and fell. A pair of arms held me.

I looked clearly and saw jungkook. I held onto his shirt.

He brought me up straight.

"You could've called me right." He said worried.

"I called but you didn't respond and I didn't have much energy to shout."

He made me sit on the couch and offered me water. As I was drinking, he sat beside me.

"Feeling better?"

"Not really."

"Everything's ok?" He asked.

"I guess. I don't know why, but I feel sad." As I said a tear dropped.

"It's ok. Im there." He said and put his arm around me.

I rested my head on him.

"It hurts a lot, hurts a lot seeing my close ones doing everything for me to be happy but I couldn't do anything to them."

He didn't say anything and just listened.

"I lost my parents this way. And now.. I was in that place. Making oppa, Unnie and you worry a lot about me."

"Those who you care about also care about you." He said.

"You care so much for me. Thanks for making me live again."

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"I know you donated blood. If I'm here and if Tae oppa is happy I'm here, it's all because of you. Thanks." I said and hugged him.

My heart said to confess but my mind said not the right time.

Whatever happens, I'll never let go. Either as a friend or a girlfriend, I'll always stay by you.

To be continued.....
