
Chapter 59

Twisting his head to the side Alvar dodged the ogre's mighty swing by only a few millimeters. While he did so his eyes never strayed away from his opponent and thus only passively took in the sight of the wooden splinters sailing through the air after the stony mace of the ogre had smashed into a tree standing right behind Alvar and pulverized it on impact.

Exhaling steadily Alvar prepared himself for his own counterattack and swiftly went into action as hesitation could mean the same fate for Alvar the poor tree behind him had experienced only a few seconds ago.

Tightening his grip on his two-handed sword, which was dangerously gleaming under the dim morning light of the just rising sun, Alvar dashed forwards with only one goal in his mind at that moment. Slay the ogre and finally get himself some breakfast! The bloody thing had interrupted him while he was just preparing said breakfast and he knew he may become an ogre himself, in a manner of speaking, if he didn't get something, anything really, to eat first thing in the morning…

While the humongous figure of the ogre was stumbling forwards after he had pulverized the tree instead of the enemy before him, Alvar had moved forwards as well and clothed his blade in mana in preparation for what was to come next.

Bending his knees slightly Alvar guided his sword to his right side with the blades point pointing to the ground and with another exhale drew his blade over the kneecap of his foe who roared in pain after which he made to turn around and ram the boy into the ground without preamble.

Unfortunately for the stinking beast Alvar had never let his eyes wander away from it and thus was able to see what it tried to do. With a fast jump backwards Alvar managed to get himself out of harms way, just in time before the ogre blew a hole into the hard ground where Alvar had stood only a second ago.

While the ogre was still stunned that his prey had escaped his mighty blows once again, Alvar was already in motion and managed to slip by the ogre and promptly used the opportunity to sever the other Achilles tendon causing the four meters tall ogre to wobble shortly and buckle over once he had completely lost the ability to stand tall any longer. Not wasting any time Alvar brought his blade down on his whining foe and with a thudding sound split the beast's skull nearly in half like a woodworker its lumber.

Silence fell upon the small clearing inside the forest afterwards, only slightly disturbed by the relieved breath released from Alvar for various reasons. For one: he had just survived a fight against a foe twice his size. Secondly: he could finally grab himself some breakfast…

With a grunt Alvar freed his blade from the beast's skull and with a swing to the side cleaned it of most of the blood on its body. The rest he would have to wipe away later to deny any chances for the steel to rust.

Trudging over to his small camp Alvar let himself fall down next to the glimmering bonfire and began to roast himself some squirrel. Not the most delicious meat there was but beggars can't be choosers in some cases.

While Alvar was wiping down his blade his mind wandered to the last few weeks and what had happened in that time.

The entourage of children and adults had managed to escape the Shiverpeak mountain's most dangerous territory in which they would have still had to worry about Jormag's troops. But once they managed to reach the lush green forests at the border to the Shiverpeak mountains those worries had faded to the background, even though none of the refugees ever truly forgot what had happened to them, nor would they want to in most cases.

After some deliberations the group had decided to make camp near the forests while two of the adults would leave for the capital of the Humans, namely Divinity's reach, and hopefully gain its protection for a while so they could think about the future of their people without haste.

While the two adults had left, the children were kept busy with various studies or tasks which resulted in a not too shabby campsite. Alvar and Veli though had only helped with the basic constructions and afterwards left the group behind in order to hunt for food and scout out the possible enemies that may roam the forests in the camp's vicinity.

And just like that a few weeks had passed for the two. Constant battles against ogres, wolf packs, minotaurs and even creatures the Norn had never seen before, sometimes able to project illusions and confuse the enemies if unprepared, had resulted in valuable experience for the two youngsters. After all they had made it their duty to protect the remainder of their people until they reached saver territory.

When Alvar thought back in time those creatures had been an interesting battle for Alvar when he met those for the first time. But in the end they had fallen to his blade like all the others before and after.

Today Alvar would return to the camp and meet back up with Veli and supply the camp with another bunch of hunted animals. Hopefully the messengers would return soon as Alvar had grown curious about what a Human settlement would actually look like.

Thus Alvar, while still munching on the last bits of his breakfast, began to gather his few things he carried in his bundle and after pouring some dirt into the fire slung his sheathed sword over his shoulder and began to march back towards the main camp, soon disappearing behind the lush green trees and bushes that were so rarely seen up in the Shiverpeak mountains. At first he had felt a little bit out of place as he had never before seen such lush vegetation. And yet the fauna provided Alvar with something he had rarely felt while out in the wilderness, back in the days when he ventured out with his uncle Olaf, namely peacefulness. These forests, filled with life and untainted by any kind of influence, truly were a sight for sore eyes and Alvar enjoyed every second of his time in between the green scenery.

With a small grunt escaping his lips Alvar realised that their escape had not only brought bad things for him. Then again maybe it was just his mindset that made life better for him? Life certainly became a little bit happier if you tried to see life as a jar half full, instead of half empty.

With a shrug Alvar shoved those thoughts to the back of his mind for later contemplation. Already he could hear faint clamouring in what he knew to be the main camp. With a small smile on his face Alvar increased the speed of his marching as he was looking forward to see Veli once again. The both of them would have a lot to share with each other about their time in the wild, Alvar was pretty sure about that.

Yo my darlings, hope you are all doing well^^

I found myself yearning to write something, anything really, so here you go. Even though I had some difficulties to get back into the swing of things I hope the chapter did come out somewhat alright :-)


Alright, read over it again and rewrote some parts as well.

bobbarker12creators' thoughts