
Chapter 21

In the early hours of the morning, when the sun had yet to rise above the horizon, Olaf was already on his way to the gate that lead from Hoelbrak directly into the wilderness. With his bow and quiver full of arrows on his back, his old and worn out backpack slung over his shoulder and clothed in thick furs, that gave him the appearance of a humanoid bear of sorts, Olaf was fully prepared for the hunt he would soon participate in.

Though contrary to his brethren Olaf didn't only venture out into the wilderness to hunt for prey. Sure, it was something he enjoyed immensely and through it he could help his family and folk survive through the coming months but none the less something more personal motivated him each time he ventured out into the wilderness, namely the promise he had given to his now dead sister.

He could still picture it clearly before his eyes each time he thought back on the last moments he had had with his sister, as she lay there on her bed under thick furs to shield her from the cold and dark that had been so harsh that particular night, and how she had begged him to look after her new born son. Not that she ever even needed to ask him to look after Alvar. After all the lad was family and the Norn looked after their own flesh and blood.

Every time the scene of that night played out before his eyes he couldn't help but marvel at natures craftiness. He had seen many displays of wonder throughout his life, every time he ventured out into the wilderness for example, and yet he had never seen such unshakable resolve like his sister had had for the security of her son that night, completely disregarding that she was dying that very moment from a blade shoved into her lungs by none other than her husband.

Thus, after his sister had joined their ancestors in the mists Olaf had decided that he would hunt down his brother in law and find out why he had taken his sister away from him and left his son without a mother.

Gritting his teeth at his rising fury Olaf ripped himself out of the memories of that night, haunting him every single day since then, and took in the scene before him as his troop of hunters came into his vision, all clothed similarly to himself.

With a wave of his hand in greeting the other hunters nodded slightly and after checking that they were complete set out into the wilderness to hunt, even though their prey differed unbeknownst to most...


With a groan of tiredness Alvar opened his eyes blearily, wiping a few drops of drool out of the corner of his mouth all the while and under the protests of his still sore limbs slowly sat up at the edge of his bed.

Taking a few minutes to get a grip on himself Alvar spotted a few rays of sunlight that broke through his window and pierced his eyes like a javelin which in turn woke him up completely.

After standing up and stretching himself a little bit Alvar went into the kitchen and grabbed himself some breakfast while the rest of the house was still asleep, though Alvar guessed his uncle must've left by now as he always did so early when uncle Olaf ventured out into the wilderness.

After Alvar had finished his breakfast he cleaned his dishes he swiftly walked out of the door, still clothed in his training gear that he had never taken off.

Stepping out into the fresh morning air Alvar took in his usual deep breath and with a slight smile on his face went towards the training ground where his instructor must be waiting already.

Not long after Alvar had left his home he arrived at the training ground and spotted his instructor sitting lazily at the edge of the lake Alvar had dove into the day before.

With a slight groan Alvar moved over to his instructor, already guessing what he would be doing today, again…

"Good morning lad. Hope you had a pleasant night. Now, hop in and get to it!" Sjorn said with a smile on his face to which Alvar only grunted and swiftly walked into the icy cold water that soon had engulfed him fully and clothed him in molten ice from head to toe.

Thus, Alvar began his task of carrying boulders once more all the while wishing back the days he only had to worry about a few bruises on his body…
