
The Principal's Test - Part 1: A Scheme

In any way, when it was Deris' turn, the person who was serving, changed the label hanging to – Paid only.

Of course, Deris got the free one but everyone after him had to pay with points.

Rex and his gang weren't the last ones. There were still many, about a hundred or so students, who were late. They were either in the washroom or were out, playing in the fields, or were trying to complete missions.

Regardless of what they were doing, they had to pay with points if they had to eat.

Since they didn't have that many points and wanted to save them, some of them walked away. As for others, they had been starving for three days straight.

There would be some people, out of the huge mass, who would always be late no matter how much they try. This bunch consisted of similar people.

Missing breakfast, lunch, and dinner for two to three days straight would be something that one should learn from these guys.
