
Crackdown on Demons in Uijongbu (1)

A few minutes before the Third camp was done attacking the dungeon successfully, the Demon camp was still wandering in Chapter 2. There were several armed conflicts between them and the Angel camp roaming in the same place.

However, since their troops were dispersed widely, the Demon camp could not respond to the Angel camp properly, so they were unilaterally defeated.

"That's alright. We're going to accept our defeat for now because it's more important than anything else to catch up with the Necromancer."

The Demon camp didn't give up. Since they bet everything on this battle, they could not give up.

"We've found them! Two wasps at 11 o'clock position!"

The Necromancer burned down almost all of the wasps' nests, but there were some wasps still alive. Some wasps had been away from the nests when the fire burned them down. Besides, there were also hives on the outskirts the Necromancer could not remove. Also, as time passed, new wasp nests were respawning.
