
1000 years in prison VIII

As the 2 of them walked closer inside, they now saw the living and the undead fighting for their rights to enter the outer sect.

It was a relatively safe place as the Shadow Guards were standing on watch and defended to sect outer disciplines from any harm from the wastelands and the shrines.

Those who succeeded in defeating a Shadow Guard would automatically become outer disciplines of the sect and receive resources to train and grow stronger.

The outer region was the most populated area among the sect parts as it was the safest place inside the abyss as even core and inner disciplines preferred to stay here.

In the inner sect, there were marked pathways that the disciplines must follow all the time. These pathways all ways changed based on where the silent one was walking.

At the entrance to the inner region, they saw a sign stating the following: The Silent: Walks the hallways of the inner sect, only Death and despair shows where he went, but the bodies that he tortured are even more terrifying than what you could imagine, always stay on the path!

The inner region was semi-safe. As long as you stayed on the path, nothing could happen to you, and your life could be saved.

The core regions were a completely different story. During the early days of the sect, Balor has killed many humans. Together with the high concentration of Shadow Essence caused the birth of the Devil.

The Devil: Born from blood, bathes in blood, and hungers for blood! This description could barely be even more accurate as she was indeed only a pool of blood.

As the duo has walked to the pool, Cyra touched upon its surface, and a handheld into hers and a bloody avatar of a devilish creature have risen from the pond.

It could feel its connection to Cyra. As such, it was behaving nicely. Otherwise, it would have attacked them. It was one of the many mysteries of the sect.

A deity served as the sect's guardian while feeding off the weak and those who were brave enough to take risks. The pond was filled with fresh blood of the fallen.

After leaving the pond behind, there were two paths before them one was leading towards the palaces and one that was leading towards the prisons.

With Frost in the lead, they left for the prison as his interest was getting stronger and stronger as this place resembled a stronghold with many powerful beings.

The next creatures that they have encountered were burnt. They were aimlessly wandering the lower core regions waiting for their release time as they were spending their time in torture.

At the prison entrance, they saw Vertigo's daughters of Hel. They were looking after the prison and kept order in the sect. There were more than 300 of them keeping the prison safe and sound.

All of them were women selected and trained by Hel herself. They were wearing Hell flame armor and scythes as discipline weapons as they had the right to execute on the spot if they deemed someone guilty.

All of them were at the least Nogais, yet in the presence of Cyra, they were bound as such had to kneel.

The brave ones could try to resist, but they were crushed to the ground by Frost himself. As such, they gave up resistance.

Walking to the lowest part of the prison, they came across another sign: The Wrath: Son of Balor, Follower of the Beast, Imprisoned in the depths of the Abyss, Crying for food, begging for attention, screaming from pain, held by chains, behind walls inscribed by Death Mages, watched by the living, surrounded by the dead, left to rot.

Spreading her senses, Cyra could see beast arms trying to force open a sealed door. It had more than 30 giant arms.

This abomination was so strong that it had to be sealed away, not to mention its size. It was a colossal being with a strength of a Catalyst Deity.

Leaving from the prison area, they headed towards the palaces. While they were away, additional palaces were built for the three new arrivals. As such, there were now 9 Palaces standing in the depths of the sect.

The next strange being that they have encountered was the Son of Nero, a real assassin. He was tasked with looking after the nine palaces and everything around them.

He was a shadow that stayed in the shadows, continually jumping between the palaces while always staying alert to anything unexpected.

Before Cyra showed Frost his palace, they took a small detour to take a look at Azrail, who was training inside the darkness just as always.

Sensing Cyra's arrival Azrail rushed to the entrance to meet her, "Welcome back, master."

He also bowed to Frost showing his goodwill and respect for the strong one.

"Did anything happen while I was away?" Questioned Cyra as she took her seat on a nearby chair.

"Nothing that worth mentioning, the sect is growing with each day, as you commanded we refrain from using your name, may I ask why we have to do that?" Inquired Azrail as he looked at his Master.

"That's something personal, but don't worry about it. You might call me by my name again if she chooses the wrong way." Said Cyra, then left while her laughter echoed in the palace.

"Why don't you attack the empire now?" Questioned Frost as he looked at Cyra's back.

"I have time. I wish to be stronger to achieve that. I'm sure if I ever leave this place, I won't be using this body for a long time." Stated Cyra as she walked away.

Walking towards her palace, a rare smile was hanging on her face. When she arrived before the doors, she pulled out one of her new Glaives and threw up her mask, which was cut in half.

As she was about to attack another object, something got her leg, as she turned around and looked down she saw a little girl who looked like a nine-year-old. "You are?" Asked the surprise Cyra as she didn't even sense her presence.

"The Holy Firs among the descendants, Daughter of Achlys, Daughter of the beast, pain of the Gods." Explained the little girl.


[Yes Host]

Did I?

[No Host]

Did Achlys?

[No Host]

Than how?

[Some races don't need to have direct contact, only a mood, and they will be capable of laying eggs.]

Cyra was looking at the kid with widened eyes as she had a hard time taking it in.

Wait, the age doesn't match... on second thought, never mind that this is nothing next to Snow aging process.

"I need to do something. Look for your mum." Gently commanded Cyra, the girl. She immediately understood and left quickly.

When she left, Cyra transformed into Death, her clothes turned into the usual dark robes, and she took out all 5 Glaives.

She could push and pull the weapons around much like the mark she could wield them without touching, which was incredibly use full.

The moment Cyra touched something in her current form, the object would lit up and turn to sparkle dust.

Her Dark Matter caused this. It usually would only hold her body together, nothing crazy, but when she concentrated them into one tiny point, it would burn through the object. The immerse heat would also destroy the rest of it, but it wouldn't last long enough to damage the surroundings.

Cyra's palace was slowly destroyed as she spent her time playing around with the Glaives. One hour into her game night, she realized that if she pushed the top of the weapons and pulled the lower part, it would gradually start a spinning action. This stunt of hers further devastated the palace.

Cyra was yet to finish her fun when she was disturbed once more. This time Achlys came to her together with Frost. Both of them were dressed in fancy clothing.

"Master seems to be ready for the party!" Beamed Achlys, full of smiles.

"Yes, forget about beast or founder as she looks right now death is an even better name!" Declared Frost.

Party?! Shivered Cyra as she turned her head towards them, she wasn't interested. To say the least, as such, she turns invisible.

"Master?" Achlys exclaimed.

Frost performed a slight tap forward and lifted her with his hands, "Don't worry, I got her, it's impossible not to hear her bones knocking against each other." Assured Frost.

"Your being mean to Master. Put her down now!" Achlys commanded.

"But.." Protested Frost.

"No, but now!!!" Achlys demanded.

"Alright here!" Replied Frost.

"Master are you all right? See much better. It seems she hates parties for some reason... I wonder why?" puzzled Achlys as she held her in her arms.

"It would be weird if she liked them. She has a rather straight forward personality. Even if it's killing, she does it directly without any poison or long term planning. While parties are the complete opposite, everyone has a reason to attend and gain even more benefits. On the other hand, I don't think many people have enough balls to walk up to Death, so Master should be fine." Explained Frost.

"Agreed, she would even scare away deities, not to mention gods. Still, we should go, or we will be late." Added Achlys.

During these 300 years, many things have changed, such as the Ember sect has emerged as the 6th most prominent sect. They slowly left behind the other five sects with the passing of years and became an entity above them.

Every ten years, there is a celebration of the Ember sect set when the Crystal Palace was finished.

To this celebration, only the sect living or revived members were allowed to come, and they also had to be at the very least inner disciplines.

From the other sects, only the core and inheritance disciplines were allowed to come together with the sect's higher echoes.

During this celebration the younger generations were fighting against each other in a friendly competition, the prizes were usually coming from the sect leaders.

The five prominent sects were the Collider Sect, Heavenly Sect, Grace Sect, Broken Sect, and the Night Sect.

Each of them bought 10 000 disciplines with them, and the top 5 inheritance disciplines were leading them.

On the other hand, the Ember Sect only had one inheritance discipline. Still, Azrail stood above all others as he was the founder of the discipline. As such, he was the leading figure of the younger generation.

When the 3 of them arrived, the Crystal Palace was already full of people, music was played, and many people were enjoying themselves and having fun.

While the Ember sect members were jolted awake from this fantasy as they felt Cyra's arrival, she was pretty much incapable of talking in this form. Thus, she walked through the hall as the crowd has opened a path for her.

She eventually took the main seat prepared for her if she were to ever appear at the celebration.

After taking a seat, Cyra looked at the ballroom and killed her time. Eventually, she got so bored of waiting that she tried to connect to her main body so she could do something else while waiting.

Hmm.. why am I still here?

[Host the difference in time is way too big, as Host cannot reach out.]

How much time passed outside?

[Probably not even a second]

Your joking, right?

[No Host]

How big is the time difference?

[I have no information related to that.]

Sigh... so I'm left with this stupid celebration...

The event didn't stop by her arrival. Instead, more and more people poured inside to see the Ember sect founder as it was an infrequent occasion even for their Sect Members as Cyra preferred roaming around the world more than staying home.
