
Holy Legacy I

As Cyra searched through the entire treasury, she found 11 storage rings containing countless priceless treasures, she also found old books that continued information regarding the outer sanctum but it was greatly damaged due to old age, or said that there were only 2 Holy treasures in the outer sanctum one was owned by the humans and the other was owned by the Ely, but the no one knew what was inside the second holy treasure because nobody has ever met the criteria to enter it, not even during the golden age of the Emis, it is much much older than we can imagine.

When Cyra was done the newly turned demons were still in the middle of the ceremonial orgy, Cyra quickly found Elizabeth and instructed her to finish gathering of the list with her new fellow demons, than she headed towards the Ely Empire, it took her a whole 3 days of travel from the human territory to arrive at the holy place, but unlike the lake this place looked extremely dangerous on the surface but as she walked inside nothing has happened.

The mountain had one giant golden gate as the entrance, it was surrounded by statues of armored spartan soldiers and great samurai warriors, opening the gate Cyra entered inside a women's voice sounded inside her ears.

"Welcome to the Eternal Union shortly EU registration point" said the voice.

"Registration of what?" Asked Cyra with a questioning expression.

"Citizens of course, we have terraformed and colonized countless planets in the Milky Way, but we realized way to late that some of our citizens are capable of recalling their past life's, we the anchors were created to aid those individuals who where once our Own"

"Why are you the only being related to technology here?" Asked Cyra rather curiously.

"Congratulations for x to acquiring normal citizenship again!" Said the metallic voice, than a computer appeared in front of Cyra with the following text: Please enter your name or names.

Cyra simply typed in Cyrus/Cyra for now he/she was only known by these 2 names, after finished tying another massage surfaced in front of her: Congregation for passing the first test and gaining access to the second,This is your legacy as much as it's ours, complete the tests and receive your rewards with honor as each and everyone of us embrace on a different journey, let's not forget our origins that we once shared, please follow the arrows towards the next test chamber.

Inside the second test chamber there was a sphere containing hundreds of different triangles, they had various colors and sizes, Cyra was walking aimlessly around the room until she found one another item, it was a pair of black and white glasses, after putting on the white she could see the sphere turned into a planet during day time, while wearing the black one it showed how it looked during night time, she eventually decided to put on the white one and started walking around the planet, with each step the whole planet looked entirely different, but soon her steps stopped as she looked at the familiarity of one of the contents it looked somewhat like Africa.

Cyra continued to walk but there was a change in the room, a hologram was standing in the spot that she previously left, than the voice of the woman sounded once more, - "Congratulations for completing the second test, this continent is special only 390 planets had this form during their lifetimes, this greatly helps us reduce your origins, please continue onwards towards the next stage" once again arrows showed the way towards the next stage.

The third chamber had a fundamental differences from before, it was completely empty no matter how hard Cyra tried to find something there was nothing but than as she was thinking a weak voice sounded, she could barely even hear it, after using force control she quietly repeated the question, - "What makes us human?"

For this she simply answered, - "the driving force to accrue and posses things"

Without delay arrows lit up and lead her towards the forth test chamber, this time the chamber had actually questions all around the room, she looked around until she found one that she could read, after which every single question has turned into that single question, it was clear that all of these questions ask the same thing: What is god name?

"God" answered Cyra instantly, there was no need to think, she knew they called it by the name of god, simply god.

"There are only 32 planets that has English as a language and among these 32 planets only the population of Earth has referred to their administrator as god, he was baby sitting them for a very long time, oh yes they were quite the trouble maker little kids, now that you completely certified your identity you have 2 choices, 1 to continue the tests and strive for greater rewards or stop here and walk away, the test from now one won't be as easy as the registration tests.

"I wish to continue but what are the next tests use is?" Asked Cyra curiously.

"To learn the legacy of Earth, Earth is still exists but the every single person who once lived there has already abandoned it, the moment the last person perished the mission of our begann, by giving these information and items to their rightful owners, we can retrieve these objects left behind by the children of Earth to give them to those that once were also one of them, they don't ask for love or hate for humanity that's doesn't matter, you just have to remember your origins never forget your origins, massages ends here.

The fifth test chamber was a giant open space, under Cyra was a giant chess board, the game between black and white was constantly on going until either side one than the game started play out again..

"Who is the winner?" Asked the metallic women voice.

"Black!" Answered Cyra hurriedly since she saw that the game kept repeating with an incredibly high speed.

Realization has hit Cyra that she much have been to slow to say the answer since a new game has already begun she spent countless tries to say the answer right in time.

"Who is the winner?" Asked the metallic women voice.

"White!" Answered Cyra.

Again there was no reaction the game kept on going without even stopping for a second, than realization hit Cyra that there are no winning sides but there are countless winning individuals at the end of each round, for example the one or two pawns that are managed to reach the other ends of the chess board.

"Who is the winner?" Asked the metallic women voice.

"The pawn!" Answered Cyra with full of spirit since she finally realized what was the voice asking.

"Why?" Asked the metallic women voice with a surprise, it took much less time for Cyra to realize what was going on from what she originally estimated, but it was all right she was rather happy that she managed to find a promising individual, she knew nothing about her background other than being an Earth Ling once but she didn't even care, her only instructions were to pass down the legacy for worthy individuals.

"They are only capable of going forward but, they are brave and strong, if they manage to survive until the end, they will be granted the chance to became who ever they want to be, this is their hope and salvation." Answered Cyra proudly, while a huge smile was hanging on her face.

"And?" Asked the metallic women voice.

"The Rooks!" Answered Cyra once more with burning spirit.

"Why?" Asked the metallic women voice.

"They are true brothers, right and lefts hands of the king, they are brave and strong they would even throw away their lives for him, but it's worth it as long as he lives." Answered Cyra.

"And?" Asked the metallic women voice.

"The knights!" Answered Cyra.

"Why?" Asked the metallic women voice.

"They are true warriors of the king, their achievements could shake the world, they are worthy people whose names will be forever remembered." Answered Cyra.

"And?" Asked the metallic women voice.

"The bishops!" Answered Cyra.

"They run through the battlefield without looking back, the time flying by without them even noticing yet this is for the best, even they need a part in this game even if it's just for a little." Answered Cyra.

"And?" Asked the metallic women voice.

"The queen!" Answered Cyra.

"Why?" Asked the metallic women voice.

"Without the queen the king is basically lost, she is his strength yet at the same time they together form a whole, without the queen the kind is dead." Answered Cyra.

"And?" Asked the metallic women voice.

"King!" Answered Cyra.

"Why?" Asked the metallic women voice.

"His brothers and sisters fight and trust him with their lives, he fights through his whole life, his armies are capable of granting his wishes as long as they live, as a king he looks down of everyone present with gratitude and hope." Answered Cyra.

"What is your conclusion?" Asked the metallic women voice.

"In a war there are no winning side, usually the winner is the side that lost the least or the losing side is incapable of continuing the fighting for the victory in the face of total annihilation." Answered Cyra.

This game existed on Earth, there was many people who knew how to play it, it would be hard to find someone who never played it, through the years countless versions spread through the countries, and from rich to poor you could see that everyone played it once in their lives.

Chess is a was a war game originally but, it doesn't have much similarities with modern warfare considering that in chess each side equal but in reality there are countless factors can decide the winner of a fight.

"Congratulations for passing the 5th test of the chess champion, according the rules of the Legacy I will now grant you everything regarding the history of chess, together with every possible variations and games." Said the metallic women voice.

The room suddenly has lit up and chess figures started flying around Cyra with increasing speed until they entered her head, than one by one each chess figure appeared inside her head, the sensation of wisdom has overrun Cyra and her intelligence has increased from [int: 100.28] to [int: 140.40].

But even after her Intelligence has increased there was still countless chess pieces flying towards her like there was no end to them, they were spirits of the countless chess sets they were celebrating the successor of the chess king, this signaled that this place was truly of a legacy of countless forgotten things through the Earth history, she never heard about anything like this to happen anyone at earth.

After receiving the 5th test rewards she followed the arrows, this time she was led towards an elevator, the elevator took her to the second floor, this wasn't what she expected, this floor was clearly more like a hotel room used by guests to stay.

"What is this?" Asked Cyra while looking at the beautiful sight before her eyes.

"The maximum possible test for the day has been reached, for the next 12 hours, your allowed to use our Presidential Suit for regaining your strength because from here the truly hardest tests going to start, enjoy this as long as you can!" Said the metallic women voice with a light laugh, than her hologram has disappeared.

Cyra without a second thought went towards the kitchen, closed the door thigh sealed than found oil, she than poured the oil on her self than started to munch on as much chocolate as possible before literally ignited the oil and she started burning, but now she couldn't care less she always loved chocolate.
