
The Sun God

"YOU'RE STILL calling me 'grandson,'" Winter complained at the golden ball of fire. "You told me before that you were a god. But you didn't properly introduce yourself to me."

"We didn't have enough time in the past," the golden ball of fire said. "Come to think of it, I wasn't able to give you my name back then."

"Oh, that's right.

"My name is Sulien and I am the Sun God," he said. "But you can just call me 'Grandpa,' Winter."

"Are you telling me to call you 'Grandpa' as a respectful way to call you or are you really my grandfather?"

That was his concern because the fact that Sulien was the Sun God didn't surprise him anymore. He always had the hunch about his identity. It wasn't that hard to figure it out because of his grandfather's pure Mana.

"What do you think, Winter?"

"Your flame feels as warm as my mommy's flame," he said hesitantly. "I think you are the father of Soleil Rosenberg."
