
The Sun vs. The Moon

"SENTINEL, may I know what was the rule that you mentioned a while ago?" Luna asked the spirit carefully. Right now, Sentinel was lying on her bed while she was sitting on the chair beside it. She tried to heal the spirit but apparently, it wouldn't work on him. And so, she just made him lie on the bed for the meantime. "To be honest, I only found out that the Ancient Beasts have spirit guardians when I met you. It looks like the knowledge passed down to me by my ancestors was incomplete."

"We were only created by the Beast Gods when they put the Black Serpent to sleep," Sentinel said. "They knew that they had to go to sleep as well because sealing the Black Serpent drained their energy. So to make sure that the Black Serpent would be guided accordingly while they slept, they created us. The spirit guardians are technically a piece of their life force."

"So, you won't die as long as your Beast God is alive?"
