
This Hero Versus Goblins!

This forest is dense. We've been wandering around inside of it for a few hours now, but aside from trees and birds, the only creature we've seen was a deer. It quickly ran away when it spotted us, much to the dismay of Tael.

We have yet to see a monster. What's the deal? Aren't forests supposed to be full of monsters? Back when I played video games, forests would usually have monsters at every corner. Even Tael is getting anxious, much to my dismay.

Tael shook in frustration before stomping his foot. "Jeez! Are there any monsters in this place at all?" He shouted. "Come on people! I need to level up!"

I ran up and tried to cover Tael's mouth. "Shut up! Do you have any idea what could be in this forest?"

Tael seems to have been prepared for me this time, however, as he dodged my lunge. "Yeah! That guard said there would be wolves, goblins, slimes, and maybe some undead! I doubt we'll have much trouble with them, so I want to get this over with!"

I scoffed and nursed my temples. "That doesn't mean you should look for trouble! Unlike you, I don't have magic. Hell, I don't even have a single level in any class yet! I'm just a normal guy! Also, in case you forgot, we had trouble with a single slime earlier.I don't understand where your confidence is coming from."

"We only had trouble with it because we didn't know it had a core! Once we had that figured out it was a piece of cake!" Tael looked me up and down and flashed a smug smile. "Honestly Kenji, you're way too tense."

Instead of responding to his banter, I simply grimaced and continued walking. Though he's not going about it in the best way, he's still correct. That firebolt contained a notable amount of power. With him by my side, I doubt the things we were told about will give us real trouble.

We continued walking in the forest until the sky had turned a rich amber color. The shadows that crept along the grassy floor made navigating difficult, and it only became harder the more time passed. Although I cannot see the sun, the darkness of my surroundings makes it self evident that it's time to make camp.

I sighed and relaxed myself. "Tael, let's call it a day and make camp. I don't want to wander around in the dark."

Tael turned towards me and swung his arms downwards. "No! I don't want to stop!"

"Quit acting like a child! Not everything works out the way you expect it to! I'm disappointed too!"

"Nooo!" Tael began stomping his feet.

"Giri giri." A noise answered.

I felt a strange sensation creep up my back as I immediately reached for my weapon. "Wait, stop, shut up for a second." I turned away from Tael and slowly shuffled towards him. "What was that noise?"

"Huh? What's going on? What noise?"

The sound continued. I don't know exactly what this is, but I can tell it isn't a bird or a deer. If it were another person, I doubt they'd try to pull a prank on us like this. From the sounds of it, whatever is making this noise is not alone.

"Giri giri." The voices continued.

"Tael, get close to me and watch my back. I don't know where these sounds are coming from but I doubt it's friendly." I drew my broadsword and faced the surrounding trees.

"Huh? O-Okay! I'm right behind you!" I felt Tael slam his back into mine as he drew his wand.

We stood back to back, waiting for whatever was making this noise to emerge. If something was going to sneak up on us, it would have a hard time of doing so.

After a few moments of hearing nothing but nonstop "giri giri's," three short humanoids that were each less than a meter tall emerged. They brandished rusted spears and daggers. Each creature was wearing a loincloth and had light green skin, pointy ears, and beady eyes.

"Goblins... " I heard Tael mutter as the creatures emerged.

The goblins that stood before us appeared to be confident. I looked at them slowly, analyzing their movements as they began circling us.

"Geeeee…" The goblin in front of me exhaled sharply.

I tightened my grip on my broadsword. I could feel the anxiety and adrenaline pump through me as the monsters continued to walk around us. The goblins are only around four meters away, so it's not as if we have much room to avoid them. I doubt that we can run. This treeline seems to be their home, and I am not confident in being able to maintain my footing when walking was already difficult enough. The worst case scenario is that these are just the ones that revealed themselves and there are more waiting in the nearby treeline.

After a moment, the three goblins began to approach us. Tael doesn't have any physical skills, so it's up to me to bear the brundt of the opposition while he supports from the back. I steadied my wobbly legs and approached the goblins, sword pointed towards them as I moved. I need to do threat assessment.

The two goblins with daggers are most likely less dangerous than the goblin with the spear. These goblins are short and stout so I have a range advantage. The spear equalizes the range advantage, however, so I need to handle that one first.

I firmly held my broadsword in front of me as I prepared to battle with these three goblins-


Tael fired a firebolt at the goblin with the spear, striking it right between the eyes as it fell to the ground like a ragdoll.

I firmly held my broadsword in front of me as I prepared to battle with these three goblins. I don't exactly know how to battle, but I know that footwork is important, so I'll try to position myself in a strong stance.

"GRAAAH!" One of the goblins shouted out as it charged me with an overhead strike.

I jumped away from the attack, running behind the goblin that charged me as it recoiled. I readied my sword to strike the monster as I felt a dull thud against my back.

As it turns out, the second goblin had swung at my back with their dagger, but thanks to the low quality of the blade mixed with my leather cuirass, I am unharmed.

I stabbed at the stumbling goblin with my broadsword and felt my blade pierce its flesh. I put my body weight into the attack and drove the sword deeper into the monster as it attempted a futile resistance.

"Gwagh!" The goblin bellowed out. Its crimson blood splashed onto the ground, and onto me as well. The goblins strength quickly left it as they slowly collapsed to the ground.

The final goblin began to back away as it quickly realized its situation, taking quick glances at its fallen comrades as it did so. As I pulled my blade out of my deceased opponent, the last goblin turned around and ran away as quickly as it could.

"I'm not letting you leave!" Tael shouted out as he stepped in front of me. "Firebolt!"

The streak of flame just barely missed the goblin by millimeters as it disappeared into the treeline.

"Damn!" Tael remarked.

"Is that the last of them?" I quickly looked around as I held my sword at the ready.

We stood back to back as we prepared to continue fighting. As more time passed, we gradually relaxed and came to the conclusion that the goblins were gone.

Killing goblins. They're a basic low level monster that people don't pay much thought. When you think about it though, it's like a little murderer that wants to eat you that's running at you with a knife. Scary stuff!

Catch you on the flip side!

Person_mancreators' thoughts