
Chapter 191: Hidden troubles

Doctor Lao:" I checked his body really carefully Mister Guo Peng, but I have to painfully announce to you, that what the doctors before me have said is the painful truth. Your son doesn't have much time to live, and his death is inevitable."

Even though he had a sad look on his face, he said everything with a certain voice, as if he was the Death Reaper himself that had come for Guo Peng's son.

Guo Peng was startled and angry at this moment, he had supported this guy's overbearingness and his arrogance to take an answer that could give him a little bit of hope.

But now, this fu*ker was giving his son the death sentence, destroying all his hopes. He was truly mad at this point, and his last straw of hope was Doctor Song and that mysterious young man.

Thinking like that he turned towards Doctor Song and Tianlong Yun and with a voice of someone holding his last string said,

Guo Peng:" Doctor Song, 'little' brother can you please have a look at him?"
