
Is That Blood On Your Shirt?

As Cody headed outside, the last thing he heard was Finn desperately trying to get answers out of the woman behind the desk. "I need information on Carmen Rodriguez; she would have been brought here less than an hour ago. I'm her emergency contact. What happened to her? How is she doing? Is she going to be okay?"

He felt sorry for the guy. He knew how important Carmen was to him. Anybody that spent any time with the two of them could tell that much at a glance.

Those two had been in the nursery together, trained together, and sparred together most frequently. After they all first got out it was clear that as the de facto leader her number two was Finn. That was how much she trusted him.

They spent all of their time at home together too and could rarely be found not glued to each other's sides. They went out alone frequently as well and had been the first of the Numbers to conform to the societal construct of dating, even before Alex.
