
AvC : The Last Trial

"Now, we heard all of your answers. As I told you, you should have thought of the consequences of your responses."

The head dragon swept his eyes over the six participants.

"I am disappointed with a lot of you. You have been living for so long yet you have not learned anything at all!"

Liam raised a brow. Was it time for a lecture?

The participants' eyes went wide. Their look was clearly asking the head dragon what they had done wrong.

The head dragon felt even more disappointed.

"All of you thought about killing! Revenge! Attacking others! Have you thought of its consequences? What if all the tribes unite against us? Then all of us will be annihilated! There will be war, an endless war! Not only Lord Dracun, but even the moon goddess will be disappointed with us!"

"…" The participants silently acknowledged their wrongs. They bowed their heads down, clearly ashamed of their hasty answers.
