
A Time For Two

On the way back to the dorms, Feng Mian and I both finished our CAA (Counterhex Academy App) tutorials, and discovered what the remaining three screens were: Classroom, Friends, and Profile respectively. Classroom was represented by the building icon; Friends the silhouette of two humans, and Profile the portrait of the top half of a stickman.

Classroom was a digital learning environment for every course a student had access to. Of course, all students here at Counterhex Academy shared the same courses, just at different time periods and with different teachers and classmates, but every 'course' in this Digital Classroom consisted of your specific teachers and classmates. Within it, your teacher could distribute homework or assignments, and also post announcements regarding upcoming tests and quizzes. Classmates could also communicate with one another through there with any course-related questions, as well as the teacher themselves.
