
What Now?

After speaking with Xuan Yu, the next step was talking to the other Founders. The only problem was… well. I didn't exactly know how to enter the Infinite Realm on my own. In the past, it's always been Sylvoir just roping me in when I fell asleep. She never taught me how to get in on my own. The Library was one matter, but the actual Infinite Realm was another.

But then again… I do faintly recall Sylvoir mentioning something along the lines of a 'Terron Record' and 'always watching'. This is a perfect opportunity to check if she's stalking me or not!

Smirking despite the situation, I returned to my own room, found a blank piece of paper and a pen, then began writing on it:

"Sylvoir, if you are seeing this, pull me into the Infinite Realm. We need to talk."

I waited a couple of seconds. No response.


After some thought, I tried something else.

"Sylvoir, you're ugly as shit."
