
Xiang Peng's Home

"My apologies, Master, but I require to stay with you at night to replenish my energy," Mei Gui interjected, grabbing my arm.

I fell into thought. "Hm, that's a good point…"

"I need to stay with Big Brother Xuan Kai at night as well, to make sure Mei Gui doesn't try anything!" Qing Yue added, grabbing my other arm as she glared at Mei Gui dangerously. The latter returned her gaze as sparks flew between them.

Immediately, the rest of the girls also began joining in the fight, wanting to stay with me as well.

"Okay, time out!" I yelled, my voice echoing across the halls.

"Quiet!" Ms. Qi's voice came back from the other end as we all froze.

"A-Ahem…" I lowered my volume. "You guys…"

Sighing, I made my decision. "Fine, fine… we'll all have connected rooms. Happy?"

"I do not really care one way or another, but sure," Obsidia shrugged, averting her gaze.
