

It's night time. The night where father will return from his business trip. Amanda has been locking herself up in her room. The twins told Edgar and Juno about what happened that caused her like that. Juno knew a little bit about my power, but,

"... Raphael sometimes told me about father's power. But he never told me that a Coordinator's demon could defend its master without a command," Juno muttered to Edgar.

"Hm, that's strange. Ezra, you said a demon pressed her to the floor right?"

"Mm," I nodded my head.

Juno and Edgar continued to discuss this bizarre phenomenon. Apparently a Coordinator's only ability is to command and summon demons. They won't appear or do anything unless their master gave them any specific commands.

So for example, if father is in danger, he needed to summon and command his demons to protect him.

They're even more bewildered about the fact that I already have a pet demon at this age.

"Maybe Amanda triggered his power to occurred early," Edgar assumed. He patted my head. "It's okay, you're not a monster, little bud. You're a genius!"

I frowned and nodded my head. The twins smiled at me.

"You scared her away," Leorys said. Sehan nodded his head.

"If you didn't do that, we could've lost control and stab her... that would cause more chaos," Sehan scratched the back of his head.

"..." Juno smiled faintly to me.

"Our only concern now is father," Edgar said. "That witch is good at playing as the victim. We don't have evidence that she's in the wrong as well, but she has plenty. What should we do?"


All of us stayed quiet.

Edgar was right. She has too much evidence. If we accused her with no proof she would go as far as taking us to trial. We're only children and probably won't get thrown to jail, but the news will spread and we'll dishonor our own family. Even worse, father would lose his job and connections with other people.

I clenched my teeth.

"... I know what to do,"

My brothers looked over to me.

"We just have to threat her,"


My brothers looked at me with a surprised expression.

"Ezra, what do you mean?" Leorys asked.

"Threatening her will only make her act even worse," Sehan reasoned.

I smirked at my brothers. "She wouldn't dare if we can threaten her properly. If we manage to make her scared of us, she wouldn't dare to do anything,"

"Hm..." Edgar crossed his hands, then a wide smile appeared on his face. "Hey, that's not such a bad idea,"

Juno looked over to Edgar with a frown. "You're actually considering it?"

"Think about it," Edgar shrugged. "Our little bro is right. If we scare her, she wouldn't dare lay a finger on us. Or pull her malicious antics on our family,"

"What if she's a psychopath and wouldn't react to our threats?"

Juno's question makes sense. After seeing how she didn't react on pouring a hot tea onto her arm, or how she didn't flinch by slicing her own fingers, I'm starting to guess that she's a psychopath.

"Then we just have to threaten her more!" Sehan exclaimed.

"Didn't you hear what Juno just said?" Leorys asked sarcastically.

Sehan frowned. "But it's true. The only thing that we can do to defend ourselves is by doing that!"

"I know Sehan," Juno said. "Let's think realistically. If our plan works, she'll leave this house and father's work will get doubled again,"

"For only three days," Edgar argued. "After that, Raphael will return from school and he can help him,"

"The doctor said he can't overwork himself anymore, Edgar. Last month he kept fainting because he didn't get much sleep,"

"He'll get stressed out regardless if that witch report him about what happened,"

"Guys, guys!" Sehan put his hands on Edgar's and Juno's shoulders, he frowned. "Please don't fight. Father will return probably in an hour, we're just wasting our time,"

"Sehan is right. We have to make a decision," Leorys nodded.

Again, the room is quiet.

Then suddenly Edgar looked over to me.

"... Judging from little bud's story, I know that he can't control his power very well yet. But, we need your power,"

"?" I blinked.

