
Chapter 305


"This is taking too long." He said as he walked on battlement of Winterfell and looked at the large number of tents gathered below, his eyes once again going to the most organized camp of the Bolton forces before he turned to look at Jon "I'm worried about Sansa"

"I'm worried about her too." Jon said and rubbed Ghost and Snowric's neck. "But North is the largest kingdom in Westeros. And gathering levies and sending them North takes time."

"The Bolton forces came here within a week." He said. And wasn't that a fucking irony. The house with the largest army came before any other great house. He would say that the others should be ashamed but he understood that gathering levies really did take a lot of time.

His father sent for his banners more than a month ago and a few houses have still not arrived.

"The Bolton forces are… different" Jon said and he understood. One look at the Bolton army which had been not stopped training even when they arrived and you could tell that they were the real deal.

They were what a real army should look like.

"Fucking disrespectful is what they are." Theon said from behind. "Have you talked with that Bronn guy. The fucker don't have any respect for his betters."

He nodded. He could see where Theon was coming from. But he also knew that Bronn was a mercenary and had participated in dozens of campaigns in Essos which gave him more real life war experience than even his own father.

Plus, they needed the Bolton men. So there was that as well.

"At least we have the numbers." Jon said.

"That we have." He nodded "But not as many as the Lannisters."

At that moment, he heard a loud screeching sound and a large shadow passed above their heads.

It took a few moments for him to get his heartbeat under control.

The first time he had seen the Wyverns, he had almost pissed his pants in fear. Not to mention that people had mistaken them for Dragons.

The Wyverns were not dragons. They couldn't breath fire. They couldn't grow half as large as an adult dragon. And their scales could be penetrated with longbows.

That didn't change the fact that the Wyverns still put the fear of god in him.

"Still think that it's not enough." Theon said and he rolled his eyes.

"It's hard to believe that Lord Bolton was able to import Wyverns from Southoryos." Jon said "How much do he think he would have to pay for the capture of one of them?"

"100,000 gold dragons." Theon said.

They both looked at him incredulously and he shrugged.

"Theon might be right." He said after thinking about it for a bit "Southoryos is a very dangerous place. The diseases alone could kill half the people who try to enter too deep. And that's not even mentioning the Brindled men, the Basilisks, the Giant apes and the Wyverns. Capturing one and then brining it back all the way to Dreadfort alive might cost even more than 100,000 gold dragons."

Jon sighed "You wonder what Arya is doing in Dreadfort right now?"

"Learning swordsmanship from a Braavosi man, riding a horse or maybe archery practice." He said. Arya had made a point to sent them long letter almost every week telling them the new things she was learning in Dreadfort.

Theon scoffed at his words but didn't say anything. Theon still looked down on women in general but after seeing the kind of damage that Ygritte and Baka could do… he had been more subdued about it.

"35,000 men. This might the largest army that North had managed to gather in a long time." Jon said.

He agreed.

In the last war, North only sent out some 18,000 men and in the one before that, 25,000 men. So gathering 35,000 men was no small deal.

Especially when his father had told the houses on the Western shore to not come but to guard shore. If he called them as well then that number would have increased to 40,000 men which would equal the men that the Lannisters have recently unleashed in Riverlands.

"We've still heard no news about Sansa." He said. He knew that wars took time but still. He was impatient. And worried. Everyone was worried because Sansa had been captured by the Lannisters and mother was with King Renly Baratheon while King Stannis was calling for their support.

The situation was very stressful for them.

"I think no news is good news in this case." Jon said

"I hope so." He said and looked at the Wyvern flying the distance and hoped that they would start marching soon enough.

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