
Chapter 251

"Ser Jamie is ready for the next round of your duel." Lord Stark said as he sat in the man's Solar once again "It'll take place in three hours in the courtyard."

"You could have send a messenger to tell me about it." He said "Was calling me here really necessary. Or do you like to be melodramatic about everything Lord Stark?"

"No. I asked your presence for another matter."

"And that would be?"


"I'm not getting betrothed to her… if that's the angle you were going for."

"Let me speak first." Lord Stark said with a frown and he gave a 'go ahead' motion with his hands and made himself comfortable on his chair.

"This is not about betrothal." Lord Stark said "I was instead hoping that you would foster her in Dreadfort."

"A young girl being sent to foster at a young boy's castle." He said with a wicked smile "I did not know you were so manipulative Lord Stark."

The man didn't even smile at his joke so he rolled his eyes.

"You want to send your daughter to my castle. After what happened with Aunt Barbrey last time."

Lord Stark's ice cold facade did break at that but he put it back on swiftly enough "Yes… I was hoping that your aunt won't hate my daughter for my mistakes."

"What we hope for and what we get after often two different thing Lord Stark."

"Yes. I know that particular lesson well enough." Lord Stark said, his eyes looking in the distance in sadness before they focused once again "But Arya… she's like her aunt. Willful and headstrong. She does not fit in with the other girls in this castle. She does not fit their definition of a lady and thus suffers because of it."

"So you want to send Arya to my land because the girls there are allowed to carry weapons and learn how to fight. So that she might make friends and gain some self confidence?"

"Yes." Lord Stark replied "I was also hoping has Lady Ygritte would take her as her apprentice. I've heard about her skill in archery from my sons. And if she's even half as good as they say she is then my daughter will learn a great deal under her."

He almost snorted when he heard the phrase Lady Ygritte. Yup, he was definitely going to tease her about it later on. But for now…

"You're not secretly hoping that I'll fall in love with Arya in her stay in Dreadfort and ask you for her hand are you?"

Lord Stark stayed quiet and his jaw dropped.

"You are… huh! I did not know you were this devious Lord Stark. I must take notes."

Lord Stark sighed at his playful nature that only revealed itself when he's around dour people like Lord Stark "That will not be necessary Lord Bolton. And I assure you that the main reason I'm sending Arya to your land is for her to gain her self confidence. But if you both fall for each other, then know that I won't step in between you either."

"You really do want a long relationship with House Bolton, don't you." He said and Lord Stark simply nodded.

"I won't deny that. The wealth and prosperity you've brought to your lands and the miracles you can perform has given me a fair amount of sleepless nights when I stay awake and wonder what would happen if Lord Domeric Bolton turned out like his ancestors. After hearing first hand accounts of your army, I'm sure that a war with you will definitely bring rune to the North. And that is something that I don't want to happen."

Once Lord Stark was finished they both stayed quiet for a long moment. He knew that Lord Stark felt this way so saying it out loud didn't really shock him all that much. But still…

He looked back at Lord Stark and nodded "I see no problem in fostering the girl. Though don't hope that I'll turn her into a proper lady. In fact, she might become even tomboyish in my care."


"…girls who love to imitate boys and their hobbies." He said "I'll also warn my aunt to not bother the girl. Give her a proper education and allow her to learn from Ygritte. As for a betrothal. Don't hope for one. I love Ygritte and I won't betray her no matter what."

Lord Stark simply nodded his head in response.

He was about to get up to leave before he remembered something and looked at Lord Stark once again.

"Lord Stark."


"I've a blacksmith in my service who knows how to reforge Valyrian Sword. Would you like me to have him reforge Ice."

"There is nothing wrong with Ice." Lord Stark said "It has been the ancestral sword of House Stark for centuries and has served us well."

"Probably." He said "But you do have to admit that it's a bit… unwieldy. And we would need all the advantage we can get against the White Walkers if we want to survive the Long Night. I think it would be wiser to turn Ice into two one-handed Valyrian swords. One wielded by you and one by your heir."

Lord Stark stayed silent for a long moment "I'll think about it."

He shrugged at the response and left the room.

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