
Chapter 249



"Because 1. The Crown is deeply in debt to both the Iron Bank and Lord Tywin. It has also taken loans from the Faith and the Tyrells so the King doesn't have any wealth to share in the first place."

"The crown is in debt. How?" Robb asked, looking confused.

He shrugged his shoulders "Excessive spending in useless biyearly tournaments. Bad handling of the gold, a large amount of negligence from the king and no small amount of corruption. The point is that even if he wanted, the King cannot help us in this matter. And 2. Most of the food the Crown gets comes from the Reach and the Riverlands. The crownlands only produce a small amount of the food. So if the King wanted to send us resources or food, he would have to ask the other kingdoms for help and with how weak his position is, he can't do that."

"So we're on our own?" Robb asked "Doesn't the King realize that if the North falls then the White Walkers will be free to roam all across Westeros and the other Kingdoms will fall soon as well."

"The King does realize that." He said "Problem is, the lords in the South consider White Walkers to be fairy tails made by old women to put children to sleep. They won't believe us without the proper evidence. Many of them still don't even believe that I've brought any giants and wargs with me from beyond the North."

"But you still have the Ice Sword. Right? We could use that as proof." Jon said, looking more desperate by the second.

"It'll not be enough. We'll need a Wight to show the truth to the world." He said.

Both Robb and Jon frowned at his words and he continued "The King has thus asked me to go to yet another expedition up North." Both Robb and Jon looked shocked at that "I agreed and would start preparing for yet another expedition North of the Wall as soon as I get back to Dreadfort."

"But you almost lost your life in the last expedition." Jon said.

"Aye. But I've learned from my mistakes. And I'll be better prepared this time. Don't worry for my health. I'm not dying any time soon." He said with a smile that seemed to have assured the two boys.

"I… I want to come with you as well." Jon said and he instantly shook his head.

"Rejected. I won't be taking any other men aside from my own in this expedition."

"I won't be a burden. I swear." Jon said.

"No. And I'll not change my mind no matter what so stop trying."

Jon looked a little saddened at not being able to help so he put a hand on the boy's shoulder and gave him a reassuring squeeze "Don't worry, prepare well. Because once the Long Night begins, you'll have plenty of chances to prove yourself."

With that said, he turned to Robb and said "You wanted to talk with me about something?"

Robb opened his mouth to speak but he cut him off "Don't deny it. You've been strangely quiet for some time. There's something in your mind. What is it?"

Robb looked a little hesitant but spoke "That… Ygritte. What is your relationship with her."

"She's my lover."

Robb's fists clenched upon hearing that "You were with her even when you were betrothed to my sister."

"I was."

Robb looked both angry and hurt at his admission to basically cheating on his sister.

"Why?" Robb asked.

"Why love Ygritte? Or why not be faithful to my betrothed."


He rubbed his chin for a moment before he spoke "One thing you must realize Robb is that this betrothal was not my idea. In fact, I was fairly against it and it was mostly forced upon me."

Robb looked shocked at his words "What? Why? Who would force you to…" he stopped mid sentence as he realized that his father was the only one in the position to do so.

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