
Chapter 237

"A man can do that and much more when his and the life of the people dear to him is threatened." He replied "I have no qualms about following your order. But I won't be able to do that as long as the Red Cloaks are here."

"You think you can refuse a direct order from your king." Ser Meryn Trant asked as he unsheathed his sword and pointed it at him.

He threw an unimpressed gaze toward the pedophile "Baka. The next time that worm opens his mouth. Kill him."

Baka nodded and he added "Also. If any of these red cunts take out their sword, break Ser Jamie's neck."

"Sure." Baka replied nonchalantly and the Queen went pale.

Before she could say anything else, there was a shout from the gates as Lord Stark rode in with a few Stark men following behind in their own horses

"Lord Bolton. Your Grace. What is going on in here?"

He held the urge to groan at Lord Stark's entrance. This was starting to look like some kind of 3rd grade teenage drama comedy.

"Lord Stark" he said to the men in greeting.

The man climbed down from his horse and took a look at the situation before his eyes fell on some of the dead Stark men and his own son who was covered in someone else's blood and was sporting a cut on his left cheek.

"Robb. What happened here?"

Robb looked at little surprised at becoming the centre of attention all of a sudden but bore it with grace and moved forward, his direwolf Midnight trailing behind him.

"Father." Robb said "Me and Jon were sparring against Varko when Lord Bolton came running out of that Corridor. A few seconds later, Ser Jamie came roaring out and tried to attack Lord Bolton. Varko came in between and captured Ser Jamie." He then pointed at the Red Cloaks lying on the floor in two pieces "The Red Cloaks asked Lord Bolton to release Ser Jamie. Lord Bolton refused and the Red Cloaks attacked. A fight ensued and went on until his grace came and stopped it from escalating."

By this point, just about everyone in the castle had come out and was looking at the scene with confusion and fear.

Even Lady Stark had come out to see what was happening and was now consoling a crying Arya and a puking Sansa.

Lord Stark heard Robb's side of the story and nodded "Do you have anything to add Lord Bolton? Ser Jamie?"

"Well… I did antagonize Ser Jamie. But he was the one to confront me so I won't be taking blame for that."

Lord Stark nodded and then turned to Varko "Varko. Release Ser Jamie."

Varko looked at him and he mulled his choices in his head and then nodded. If he released the Lannister ponce now and the Red Cloaks attack once again then Lord Stark would definitely fight on his side.

Varko removed his boot from Ser Jamie's back, helped him up and dropped him out of the circle of Bolton men that still surrounded him.

Jamie wiped the dirt from his face, looking embarrassed as the queen watched him for any injuries.

"You." The King shouted at the Red Cloaks "Drop your swords and give them to the Stark men."

The Red Cloaks reluctantly gave their swords to the Stark men who looked like they had no idea what to do with them before Jon came forward, covered in blood and gave them some orders himself.

"You as well." King Robert said to his men who looked at him.

He thought about it and then shook his head "That will not be necessary. I can see that we're not welcome here. We'll be departing now."

"Lord Bolton." Lord Stark said "The sword. The one that you found North of the Wall."

"I'll have my men send it to you." He said.

"And my sword." Jamie Lannister said, looking at him with barely restrained anger and humiliation.

"Ahh… the lion's cock. It must be lying somewhere over here. Find it on your own."

"Here." One of the Stark men said and picked up a sword from the ground and gave it to Jamie Lannister who looked at it and then -much to the shock of everyone present- pointed it toward him.

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