
Chapter 199

He grimaced and picked up his sword. Knowing fully well that he was not only weaker and slower than the White Walker but he was also less skilled and less experienced.

The only advantage he had over the White Walker was his Valyrian armor which had yet to be penetrated by anything.

But there were ways to kill him even despite him wearing the armor. It was only a matter of time before the White Walker would figure it out.

It raised it's sword and feeling resigned, he raised his own and the battle began.

And ended just as quickly.

The White Walker disarmed him and threw him on the ground.

He looked up at it and it put a foot on his chest, raising it's sword, ready to bring it down at his throat where even if the blade doesn't pierce the armor, the force behind it would definitely crush his throat.

It brought the blade down and he put his arms up to protect his throat.

The ice blade 'pinged' off his grieves and stabbed the ground.

His arms ached but he was alive.

The expression on the White walker's face remained unchanged and he felt anger bubble in his heart at that.

The fucker was trying to kill him. It could at least show some semblance of emotion.

He summoned his wand and cast the Killing curse at point blank.

The effort of casting the powerful spell in the most magic resistant area he had ever seen left him panting as the Curse entered him and… did nothing.

The White Walker cocked it's head, as if asking if the green light was supposed to do something.

He probably deserved to be ridiculed at this moment.

Then he moved around on the ground, trying to move it away.

The foot on his chest didn't even budge.

Failing that, he tried to reach for his sword but it was out of his reach.

And then his hand was pinned to the ground as a few Wights came out of the Snow storm and jumped at his hand. Locking it on the ground with their combined weight.

He looked at the White Walker in shock as a few more wights came and pinned his other hand to the ground.

The White Walker then raised it's sword, ready to crush his throat before it jerked and looked down at it's own throat where the head of a Dragonglass tipped arrow was coming out.

The White Walker blinked.

The never got to opened it's eyes as it's whole magical structure simply crumbled and it broke into thousands of ice crystals.

The Ice blade fell and embedded half way down the ground an inch from his neck.

A moment later, the wights holding him down shattered into fragment of bones as the magic holding their body dissolves. The newer wights with skin on them simply fell down to the ground, their blue eyes dimming and they didn't move again.

He let out a sigh as he saw Ygritte standing on a tree branch a good twenty meters away. As the snowstorm cleared, he could see Varko standing underneath the tree, his two Valyrian swords buried on the tree for footholds while he looked relieved beyond words.

He let out a chuckle at the absurdity of it all and the chuckle then turned into full blown laughter as he laid there on the ground and laughed at the anti climatic end of the White Walker.

"Fuck…" he said for the third time that day.

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