
Chapter 39

When Domeric Bolton went to the cave in order to talk with the giants and their leader, he had never thought he he would become their leader by the end of their talks.

It was only later did he found out that the giants were not as smart as humans. And despite their thicks skulls, they did not have even a fraction of the magical resistance that the Giants or Trolls of his own world did.

So when he cast the compulsion charms and loyalty charms over them after defeating their leader by apparating over his shoulder and casting five stunners on his head, the charms along with this show of might by easily defeating their Chief worked a little too well and they proclaimed him to be their new Chief.

The whole thing was rather strange when he thought about it.

Regardless, he had finally achieved what he wanted.

The fact that he met a group of Wildlings right after his coronation as their chief was a strange sight as Wildlings usually don't associate with giants. The fact that their group leader was an former member of the Nights Watch was even stranger.

But as strange as the whole day had turned out to be, he still offered bread and salt to the men once he went back to his camp and allowed them to talk with him.

And the day turned even stranger.

"Wild Walkers?"

"White Walkers." Mance Rayder corrected Baka who was standing beside him while giddily looking at the giants who had just entered the camp along with their mammoths.

"White Walkers and their army of wight. A large army made up of dead people and animals. Just like in the legends." He told Baka who was not even listening to him anymore.

"You believe me?" Mance Rayder asked suspiciously.

"Yes. You cannot lie to me. If you do, then I'll know." Or he'll know as long as he used legilimency while talking. Which he was at the moment.

Mance looked slightly uncomfortable for a moment before he asked "Is that why you're taking the giants South of the Wall?"

"No." He replied.

"No?" Mance asked.

"No. I'm taking them to the South because I want to create a sanctuary for them where I'll be able to keep them safe. Or that's my plan at least." He said "We humans are afraid of anything that we don't know or don't understand. That is why we killed or chased away the Children of the Forest and Giants. I want to give them a sanctuary where they'll be able to repopulate once again without any danger because I owe it to them." He did however left out the part where he wanted the Children of the Forest to tell him the secrets of carving the faces and connecting the Wierwood trees to the magical laylines in the world.

Because the truth was that he would have tried to save the Children of the Forest even if he didn't need them mainly because they were a magical species and being a Wizard himself, he felt the obligation to save any magical species in the world.

"But you know that the White Walkers are coming. So you'll help us?" Mance asked with no small amount of hope in his eyes. A hope that he unfortunately had to crush.

"No." He replied "The fact that you are telling the truth just means that you 'believe' that there were white walkers out there. Just because a desperate sailor sees land where there is none doesn't make his belief true. So you won't get any help from me. At least until I find out about these White Walkers myself."

"And if they are real?" Mance asked and he instantly went silent.

If the White Walkers are real, then he'll have to introduce gun power and cannons as well as firearms sooner in the world than he had initially thought.

"If they're real." He finally said "Then I'll allow the wildlings or free folk as you like to call them in my lands. But only those who're willing to bend their knees and follow the rules dedicated to them."

Mance face scrunched up and he already understood what Mance wanted to say with Legilimency before the words even left his mouth.

"We Freefolk don't kneel."

"Aye you don't. But if you want me to allow you to come and live in my lands. Then that's what you'll do." He said, giving his ultimatum.

"So you'll just leave these people here to die. To let women and children die at the hands of White Walkers because you're they don't bend their knee and kiss your feet. Just because you're too prideful to do what is right?" Mance asked loudly and every single one of his guard instantly took out their sword, ready to protect him with their lives before he raised his hand and signalled them to stop.

"Prideful. Too prideful am I? Do you know how many people live in my lands? Around 530,000. 530 thousand men, women and children who rely on me to keep them safe. People who rely on me to keep them fed. People who rely on me as their lord to settle their disputes. People who rely on me to give them shelter and food when the winter comes. People who rely on me to keep them safe. So no, I won't let your people enter my lands as long as I'm sure that they will follow my rules and not cause any trouble in my lands. And if need be then I'll even send my men to defend the walls so that your men won't enter our lands and cause anarchy."

"So you'll rather have us as your enemies than allies."

"Yes. Better to have untrustworthy people as your enemies than as allies. I would rather fight them head on than risk the chance of having them stab me in the back."

"I see. So I guess you won't change your mind?"

"No. But if can change the mind of your people, then send them to Hardhome by the end of the year. I'll send my ships to take them to my lands. But I'll only take those who will truly submit to my rules and not try to run wild in my lands. That is all I have to say in this matter."

"Very well then. I'll see how many people I'll be able to persuade to bend their knee." Mance said bitterly, as if not believing that he'll even be able to do it.

"One more thing." He said as Mance turned to leave.

"Yes." Mance asked as turned to look at him.

"I'll accept the women and the children if they want to come to the South."

"Even if they're not willing to bend the knee?" Mance asked.

"Yes. But as long as they don't hurt other people in my lands." He said.

"Why?" Mance asked and he shrugged back in reply.

"Because of their nature. A child's nature can be changed if he or she is raised in a new and different area. They adapt faster to changes than adults. As for women, their nature is that of a protector. As long as they have enough to feed their children. Enough to survive, they'll not pose a problem." He said "Men on the other hand, are more ambitious. And an ambitious and foolish person can cause disastrous results."

"I… see. I'll talk with this to the others. See what they think about your decision." Mance said and left the tent.

"Oh and one more thing." He said as Mance came back once again and looked at him with an annoyed expression.

"What is it now?" Mance asked.

"Your warg. Orell. Send the man in. I have a proposal for him."

"We need the warg." Mance said through gritted teeth.

"I'm sure you'll find someone else in these wilderness." He said with a negligent wave of his hand "Plus, it's not like I'm forcefully taking the man away from you. I'm just giving him a proposal. If he doesn't like it, then he can stay with you. He's a free man after all. Isn't he."

Mance grimaced at his words but then simply nodded his head in defeat "Aye. I'll send him in." Before he left.

"That giant is so huuuge." Baka said in wonder while looking at the giant in the distance as soon as Mance left and he let out a chuckle at her words.

"Never change Baka." He chuckled to himself.
