
Chapter 17

The first thing he noticed upon reaching Kings Landing was the horrible stench.

The second thing was the tiny amount of ambient magic in the air.

But it was understandable.

Braavos and Pentos didn't have a lot of ambient magic either. And he found that the further he went away from the North and from the Weirwood trees, the lesser amount of magic there was in the air.

Which also meant that he had to be more conservative with his magic as his magic restored at a slower pace because of that.

He'll have to deal with the lack of Weirwood trees in the South sooner or later. When he found the way to carve faces on the trees and turn them into Heartwood trees which allows them to connect with the magic currents running through the world.

The third thing that he noticed upon entering Kings Landing was the large amount of corruption within the Gold Cloaks.

The fourth thing was the hundreds upon thousands of poor people and orphan children running around in the street with clear sign of malnutrition and lack of hygiene.

At least now he knew where to pick up people from in case he wanted to increase the population within his own lands.

After settling his men in a tavern and giving them some silver stags to enjoy themselves, he went to the middle of the Dragon Pit where he could start his search.

"Point me, Valyrian Steel Sword." He said and his wand pointed in the air turned downward until it was pointing underground and he instantly understood that the sword that he was searching for was most likely buried underground.

Which was probably the reason why no one ever found out where it was.

"Accio Valyrian Steel Sword." He chanted while pointing down at the floor and the ground shook for a moment before a sword covered in filth and soot tore through the ground and flew toward him.

He ducked in the last second and the sword flew in the other direction until it clanged on the wall of the Dragon Pit before falling down to the floor.

He gazed at the Weirwood wand he was using and found it crumbling to dust as the excess magic broke it down into cellular level. He let out a sigh and wiped his hand off the dust before taking out another wand from the bottomless bag he had created before coming to the south.

"Tergeo." He mumbled while pointing the new wand at the sword and a second later, all the dirt was wiped off the Valyrian sword and it looked as good as new.

He picked up the sword and the description matched.

He had finally found the Valyrian Steel sword named Lamentation belonging to House Royce which was lost in the 'Storming of the Dragonpit' 160 years ago.

Now he only needed to reforge it, add a pummel with a lion's head and sell it to Tywin and he'll get all the miners that he wanted.

To other people, Valyrian sword's might be invaluable. But to him, it was just an expensive peace of metal. Nothing else.
