
Chapter 15

"Are you not done yet?" Aunt Barbrey asked as he continued to carve runes in the Glasshouse that he had recently built inside Dreadfort with the use of transfiguration magic.

The sole purpose of the glasshouse was to act as an experimental lab for growing High Yeilding Variety Seeds that would increase the production grain by a significant amount by the time he returned from his voyage.

With the help of the runes and the Heartwood tree that supplied it with constant magic, the Glasshouse would increase the growth of the wheat to the point where it turn from a seed into a crop ready for harvest within a single day.

After selecting the the grain from plant with the largest amount of yeild, the grain would then be planted once again in the glass house the very next day.

Selected breeding in such a manner would see the quality of wheat rise by a significant amount within a short time.

In short, if he went on a 2 month voyage, then by the time he returned back to Dreadfort, the Wheat in the glasshouse would have already gone through 60 cycles of selective breeding.

"Yes. That's the last one." He said as he finished the last stroke in the glass house with the magical ink that he had created from the Weirwood sap.

It was a far cry from the magical ink that he used in his past life which was made of dozens of carefully selected magical ingredients but it did it's job.

"Are you sure you don't want me to come with you?" Aunt Barbrey asked, looking a bit worried.

"I'm sure. I know that this task might not sound very important but I assure you that a Green Revolution is one of the greatest thing that I'll bring to this world. After printing press, Steam engine, Industrial revolution and an education system of course." He said with a smile and his Aunt simply rolled her eyes at his words as she didn't really understand what he meant by the last few words.

"So I just need to follow your instructions and make sure that the glass house is provided with enough horse manure everyday?" She asked with a bit of disgust and he nodded.

"Yes. And if you don't understand something, then just contact me with the Mirror like I showed you last evening."

"Are you sure that the mirror will work from such large distances?" she asked and he simply shrugged.

"It should in theory. But I've never done this before so I can't say for sure." He said "Regardless. Your task in not that hard. Keep doing what I taught you and you'll be just fine."

"As you wish my lord." She said with a mock courtesy before pinching both his cheeks, something that both irritated and amused him to no end.
