
Chapter 1285 Stone Faced

--- Kat ---

Kat watched as Asteodia seemed to just deflate like a balloon letting all the air out once she was done talking. Nixilei quickly bundled the elf into her lap but Asteodia didn't really… do anything. She wasn't crying, wasn't angry, she just… let herself be pulled into Nixilei's embrace and then did her best impression of a plank of wood. Perhaps it was an elf thing, but she just seemed to still. Kat could hardly see the woman breathing. 

Lily frowned at this and transformed into her Memphis form and then focused on her horns and wings. It was a hard change to force, but she managed to pull them away by focusing on her human form, which lacked them. Kat was rather surprised by the technique, even as Lily jumped over and settled into Asteodia's lap and started purring. It was clearly a bit forced, but Kat knew purring supposedly helped calm people down, hopefully it worked on elves like it did humans. 
