
Chapter 684 After the Rain

In the end, the task was finished not with a bang, but with a whimper. Kat ran around through a few more domes and even managed to convince one whole panic room worth of people to freedom. It really helped her get through the other five that rejected the offer of safety. Kress and Gareth didn't really do anything interesting either. Digging through the ash yielded nothing of note, or at least nothing of note Kat heard about.

There was very little warning for the rain. One moment the black cloud was rumbling above her head like usual then the next it was dumping water by the bucket loads. Kat could hardly comprehend how the cloud had managed to stay afloat as the thick streams of water dumped themselves into the compound extinguishing the strongest fires and washing away much of the ash. Plenty still clung to the building and it would by a lie to say things were clean, but nothing was on fire and there was a clear path through the streets at the very least.
