
Chapter 660 A Beary Cool Team

After pointing out the existence of water to the group of the dwarves, the main party went around and introduced themselves by name. Once that was done, Kress asked, "Well are you guys going to tell us your names?"

"Nay," said all the dwarves together.

"Wait really?" asked Green in surprise.

"Aye" chorused the dwarves again.

"Well… ok then…" said Kress oddly before taking it upon himself to choose another nearby table. Still close enough to yell out, but far enough to make listening in a problem… for people other than Kat. A shame the dwarves weren't really talking about anything important. Once everyone was seated Kress said, "I know people say dwarves all look the same but this is ridiculous."

"They're doing it on purpose though," said Kat easily.

"What?" asked Kress confused.
