
Chapter 647 Nixilei’s Past.

"Well tell us about Green then," said Kat after seeing how general her explanation about Gareth was., "You'd know her a lot better than Gareth"

Nixilei sucked in a deep breath. "My relationship with Green is complicated… as is what I think about her. When it comes to Green I wear so many hats. I'm her bodyguard, spy, servant, enforcer, friend, cousin, sister, keeper, jailor, information broker. So many things."

"Well… that's… yeah that's a lot…" mumbled Kat trying to wrap her head around the fact. She'd guessed most of those… but… some were a surprise. Like 'jailor' or 'enforcer'. "Why do you fill so many roles?"

Nixilei shrugged, "That's another simple yet complex thing I suppose. See, Green's parents go around and look for talented children in not so ideal households and recruit them. I was one of those children, and I happen to be both skilled and born on the same day, though different year, to Green. Things spiralled from there I suppose."
