
Chapter 447 The next Day

As soon as Kat's body relaxed after handing over the extra blanket she collapsed. What she didn't realise, was that her demonic energy was actually helping offset her exhaustion while she was relaxing. It was only because she was had all her energy that her mind was able to function so well, and drastically dropping that removed the safety net around her mind causing a wave of tiredness to knock her out completely.

Kamiko, seeing her friend collapse after handing her a blanket was in two minds. One wanted to make sure she was alright. The other, wanted to accept the kindness in the spirit it was given and sleep peacefully. Kamiko somehow decided on a third option. Pushing herself shakily to her feet, blanket stretched over her shoulders, Kamiko pushed the two chairs together before wrapping Kat's arms around her and pulling the blanket over both of them.
