
Chapter 310 Clouded Thoughts on Return

Kat was performing some last-minute stretches for Kara before heading out just to prove she was physically capable. The bed had been folded up into the wall, so she had plenty of space to stretch out without her wings or tail getting in the way. Kara was standing off to the side taking notes on a clipboard while instructing Kat through the routine.

Once she was satisfied, Kara smiled at Kat and said "Looksss like you are all good to go."

As soon as Kara said that, the system delivered Kat a message.

User Kat has been declared fit to be released from MAD care. User Kat will have 3 days of rest before being summoned to begin User Kat's punishment.

Kat's good mood at being told she was fit to be released instantly turned into a frown when the message appeared. Before she could get too caught up in her head though, Kara said, "Don't worry it will be fine"
