
Chapter 303 You Don F*ed Up

Kat's mind started to come together some time later. Thinking was still hard, but it was possible once again. However, before Kat could get properly comfortable, a dull ache started to make itself known. Seemingly radiating out from the centre of her pond, and covering all parts of her mind, Kat forced herself to come together and open her eyes. The first thing she noticed was that her vision was back in its entirety.

Sadly, this didn't help much. The dull ache remained but it was slightly less concentrated, now mostly just a continual throbbing across her entire body, especially noticeable in her wings, and even her horns. Strangely, her tail was completely fine. This was when Kat noticed that she could in fact move said tail despite laying down and that her wings were the same, except moving them caused the pain to flare up so she left them to the side.
