
Chapter 61: Call to home

After saying goodbye to Jenny, Ark left for the Pokemon Center. His aim was to get in contact with his loved ones back in Pallet. Of course, he could go back in person and not be too inconvenienced by the trip home, however he had a feeling that if he went back now, his gym challenge would be stalled for much longer than it has been in Pewter.

Ark arrived at the Pokemon Center not long before people had started finishing their breakfast. As he looked around for the private phone booths, Ark noticed the absence of Nurse Joy. His mind immediately wondered where she may have gone, after all it was strange for her to not be around, especially so early in the morning, however he had a job to do thus he pushed it to the back of his mind for a while.

Entering a private booth, Ark was faced with a medium sized screen and a dial pad. To the side, there was a trading slot as well. It was a very convenient and private space, causing Ark to wonder why people even bother to use the public ones that are at the front of the Pokemon Centers.

Dialling the memorised number of his home, Ark tidied his appearance briefly as he waited for his Mother to pick up. He did not have to wait for long as the screen turned from the black waiting screen to a sensational scene. On the monitor, two women were displayed, both sat on the sofa facing the camera, their smiles overwhelmingly bright.

"Ark! You finally called!"

His Mother spoke out to him, a hint of dissatisfaction in her usual affectionate voice.

"Honestly, you haven't called in ages. The last time you called was when you were in Viridian City"

Delia tagged on her comment, similarly her voice contained a hint of chiding.

"Ahhh yeah, I am really sorry about that. I intended to call the first week I got to Pewter, but I ended up going on a trip with Jenny for a few days. After we got back, I spent my entire time focused on beating the gym and it happened to slip my mind"

A guilty expression plastered on his face as he quickly explained his reasons, Ark begun to be filled with regret over his lack of attentiveness.

"Well, this will become an issue if you carry on doing this. Especially after all of those promises you made us"

Delia stated, her voice firm as she spoke to Ark.

"I agree, that's why I called today. I have a few things that I badly want to say so can I start with those?"

Ark knew how eager the two were to listen to his entire journey so far, however he knew his priorities else he ran the risk of forgetting.

As such, Ark proceeded to tell Delia and his Mother about his new phone with an exchange of numbers, an update on his new team member and Sylphs status as well as his winning against Brock. Throughout the entire exchange, the smiles on the two ladies faces continued to grow as they heard the continuous success stories. Of course Ark did not divulge too much information about the run in with the mad Scyther, from fear of worrying them too much especially since it was his own naivety that caused it.

"Wow, you have been really busy. I guess we can forgive you for leaving us in the dark as a reward for your success so far"

Ark mentally wiped his brow in relief as he hard his Mothers words.

"That would be very helpful, thank you. I have a bit more news if you would like to hear. This is probably the most significant as it affects you two too"

Delia and Kyia, his mother, nodded before settling down once again, ready to receive Arks new news.

"So I have happened to have quite the stroke of luck recently, so much luck in fact that I have gained 2.5 Million for myself"

Delia and his Mothers expressions froze as they heard Arks words over the speaker. It took a couple of seconds before the words truly registered, as shown by the warping of the faces into complete disbelief.

"Ark... Honey as much as I want to believe you, right now you sound like you're playing a trick on us that will find it's way onto a certain TV program about being framed"

"I can understand it is pretty overwhelming but it is all true. I will explain it in more depth when I come back, but I have something else to say"

"Wait... there's more??"

Delia spoke as she shook her head in exasperation. Her mind right now was rapidly trying to keep up with the conversation despite being so overwhelmed by the sudden knowledge that the boy she was interested in, had gained millions.

"Indeed, out of that 2.5 Million, I am sending 500 thousand home to you two. It's a Thank You Gift for caring for me for so many years and my way of looking after you while I am away"

As Ark finished speaking, he noticed tears start to form in the eyes of the two mature ladies.

"Thank you for everything you've done, and thank you for looking after me in the future"

A loving smile beamed at the two ladies as they desperately refrained from letting their tears spill. They were fine with Ark seeing them cry, but they would rather he be there when they did. Thus they took a few deep breaths and held each others hands to calm their turbulent emotions.

"You're being serious Ark?"

His Mother clarified once more, waiting for him to call it a prank. Alas her thoughts were far off the mark.

"Yes, I wouldn't lie about this. Especially over the monitor"

His mother closed her eyes as Delia continued to try and process the situation that was unfolding.

After a couple of minutes, Kyia opened her eyes and revealed a charming smile causing Ark to stare fascinated by the sight that very few had seen before.

"Thank you, Ark, thank you. We accept this gift, so make sure you come home at some point for a gift from us"

Ark couldn't help but feel that the last sentence was fairly suggestive, but Ark didn't want to ruin the moment so, he stayed quiet and just nodded.

"I need to send this over now, so I will have to end the call. It has been great catching up and I love you both!"

Ark, Delia and Kyia said goodbye before Ark ended the call sporting a refreshed smile, as though Ark was ready for anything thrown at him.

When Ark left the booth, he noticed that quite a bit of time had passed, many people were coming back after getting lunch. Noticing this, Ark left to go and get something to eat.

The next day, Ark woke up, ready for the events that may unfold in his meeting today. After a short amount of time, he got a call on his phone. Answering the call without looking at the caller, Ark continued getting ready.

"Good Morning Ark"

"Hey Jenny, I could definitely get used to this"

Ark held his phone up with one arm as he continued getting dressed albeit at a much slower pace.

"Used to what?"

"To waking up and hearing your voice moments after, nothing beats it"

Jennys previously confused voice immediately took on a slightly hurried tone. It seemed that it was too early in the morning for her to be in sexy mature lady mode.

"Oh shush, if that's what you want then we can make it happen. Anyways! I met up yesterday with Lola and she is fine with meeting you at any point today. It seems she got some time off so you can go round at anytime you see fit"

Ark was taken aback by this. It seemed that the meeting was going to be a lot less formal than he thought it would be. After all, not many people would agree to meet a stranger unless it was under more formal conditions.

"You're sure this is all true? It seems quite haphazard"

"Everything's her words, it seems she dislikes formalities and was quite happy to meet someone new"

With this new information, Ark felt a lot more relaxed. His mind set on visiting as soon as possible.
