
Chapter 45: First Gym Challenge P.1

At the crack of dawn, a figure could be seen stretching and loosening his body in his room. Ark had woken up early so that all of the sleep residue was gone way before he started his battle today, he wanted to be in top shape. After making his bed and getting dressed, Ark locked the door and left for the front desk. Despite the ridiculously early hours, Nurse Joy and Chansey were up and about, preparing for the new day.

When she saw Ark descending from the stairs, Nurse Joy displayed a bright smile as she called out to him.

"My, you're early Ark. Couldn't sleep?"

Ark reciprocated her smile before shaking his head.

"No, no, nothing like that. I just wanted to get up, do a bit of exercise before my battle, so I am actually awake. There's nothing worse than going to an important event whilst half asleep."

Nurse Joy nodded her head in acceptance as she heard his reasons. It was not often that trainers put so much thought into their gym battles, especially those who are just starting out. Most of the time, the trainers who are up early, are sleep deprived due to nerves or excitement. Fortunately, the fresh expression on Arks face showcased he was well-rested and ready for his debut.

"That's good then, you look pretty confident. I wish you the best of luck and remember to bring your Pokemon straight back here, they will probably be tired after your battle with the Pewter City Gym Leader."

After expressing his thanks to Nurse Joy for her consideration, he took his Pokeballs from Chansey who had left immediately after seeing Ark on the stairs to retrieve his Pokemon. With this, he left the Pokemon Center and brought out his two partners. The two appeared with determined expressions, as though they were ready to jump into battle at any moment.

"Let's go burn off this excitement with some light exercise. I'd be bad if we were too tense during the battle"

Noticing the state of his two Pokemon, Ark smiled before suggesting they exercise. He knew that it wasn't just him who was debuting today, but instead it was the debut of their team, it may seem insignificant but it would really affect their momentum depending on the outcome.

Thus, Ark and his partners set out for a run to get their blood pumping. By the time they finished, it was time for breakfast so they ate at a cafe on the way to the gym. It seemed that cafes automatically allowed Pokemon to eat inside and had no restrictions for them eating at a table.

After they rested once they had breakfast, Ark returned the duo into their Pokeballs and left for the gym. On the way to the gym, he remembered that he forgot to tell Jenny the time of his battle since he did not know whether there would be a queue today. Lamenting his lack of a mobile phone, Ark decided that he would buy one after he won this next battle.

Judging that he should check the gyms situation before removing Jenny from her duty, he carried on his way to the gym whilst planning to book a time slot for the battle and return with Jenny.

Eventually, Ark arrived at a strange building. It had support beams on the side that met together to create a triangular arch at the top if the building. The actual building itself had the exterior similar to a large boulder or cliff side. It was truly a unique building and seeing it in person was a whole different experience that seeing it on an anime. Many questions drifted within Arks mind as he was captivated by the unique but extremely fitting gym building.

"Finally here huh... I suppose I should head inside and stop staring like a tourist. I'd hate to get stuck in a queue if there is any."

He stepped into the building and walked past the automatic doors. Immediately, his eyes were filled with a rocky terrain that expanded for several meters in all directions. As Ark scanned his surroundings, he noticed two balconies in the top left and right corners. It seemed the entire gym was designed in a way that rock and ground Pokemon can really showcase their skills.

Sensing a faint presence at the other end of the room, Ark called it into the dimmed room.

"Hello? Is anyone in here?"

Immediately a response came back.

"Ah a challenger? Yeah I am here, are you challenging this gym?"

Ark squinted his eyes in the direction of the voice, his eyes focused on the silhouette of a boy that was even taller than himself. His hair was spiky but the dim room prevented Ark from seeing his features. Of course even without the lights, that voice was one that anyone would recognise.

"Yes, I am here to challenge the Pewter City gym. Or well I should say I wish to book an appointment."

Clear confusion appeared in the silhouettes demeanour as he stood up and walked towards Ark.

"An appointment? Is there a reason we can't battle now, if you're worried about me, It's fine, I am ready to go immediately"

Shaking his head as a small smile appeared on his face, Ark spoke his reason in a self satisfied tone.

"I need to go and get someone to watch my battle. She promised to come and watch my debut battle, but I forgot to buy a phone"

The figure that had now appeared in the light was of course Brock. His eyebrows twitched slightly at Arks comment before smiling in understanding.

"Of course, go ahead and get her then. The bigger the crowd, the more opportunity to show of our skills."

Saying this, Ark and Brock separated from each other, agreeing to meet back at the gym in 40 minutes time.

Following the path that Ark had become slightly accustomed to now, he swiftly arrived at the Police Station. Opening the door, he noticed it was just as quiet as usual, with the receptionist being on the phone. Ark waved slightly at her before heading directly to Jenny's office. He knocked on the door and waited for a reply. Honestly, he was slightly startled at how used to this routine he had become, after all it is not everyday, a civilian is freely allowed to just stroll through a Police Station and directly meet the boss.

"Come in Ark"

Ark smiled and opened the door. He hugged Jenny who had stood up and come to greet him. Burying his nose into the side of Jenny's neck, Ark sniffed deeply, savouring the enchanting scent he loved.

"How did you know it was me?"

Jenny continued the hug and allowed him to carry on with his actions.

"Everyone aside from you, has to go through the receptionist to meet me in my office. Even the deputy head, as long as it isn't emergencies that is. But at that point, they don't knock so you're the only person it could have been."

He was shocked at this new revelation. Alas, feelings of pride bubbled inside his heart as he tightened his hug.

"I have a battle with Brock in about 20 minutes so we should get going if you want to come watch"

Jenny separated from Ark and nodded.

A few minutes later, Ark and Jenny had left the station and followed the same path Ark took on the way. Strangely, they arrived at the gym a lot faster than it took when he was alone.

"Brock should be waiting inside so let's not keep him waiting"

Jenny hooked her arm with Arks as they walked into the gym. Had it been a restaurant instead of a gym, the two would have looked like a loving couple on a day date.

As they entered, Ark called out again into the dim room. His eyes struggling to adjust to the light.

"Brock, are you there? I'm ready now"

Ark felt shuffling at one of the balconies, so he focused his attention there.

Descending from the stairs, Brock came out into the light with his staple green shirt and orange sleeveless jacket.

"Welcome back Ark, it's good to see y-!"

Brocks movement froze as his eyes stared in a particular direction.
